Britain: Police Caught On Tape Trying to Recruit Plane Stupid Protester as Informant

April 25th, 2009

The recordings are here.

Via: Guardian:

Undercover police are running a network of hundreds of informants inside protest organisations who secretly feed them intelligence in return for cash, according to evidence handed to the Guardian.

They claim to have infiltrated a number of environmental groups and said they are receiving information about leaders, tactics and plans of future demonstrations.

The dramatic disclosures are revealed in almost three hours of secretly recorded discussions between covert officers claiming to be from Strathclyde police, and an activist from the protest group Plane Stupid, whom the officers attempted to recruit as a paid spy after she had been released on bail following a demonstration at Aberdeen airport last month.

Matilda Gifford, 24, said she recorded the meetings in an attempt to expose how police seek to disrupt the legitimate activities of climate change activists. She met the officers twice; they said they were a detective constable and his assistant. During the taped discussions, the officers:

* Indicate that she could receive tens of thousands of pounds to pay off her student loans in return for information about individuals within Plane Stupid.

* Say they will not pay money direct into her bank account because that would leave an audit trail that would leave her compromised. They said the money would be tax-free, and added: “UK plc can afford more than 20 quid.”

* Accept that she is a legitimate protester, but warn her that her activity could mean she will struggle to find employment in the future and result in a criminal record.

* Claim they have hundreds of informants feeding them information from protest organisations and “big groupings” from across the political spectrum.

* Explain that spying could assist her if she was arrested. “People would sell their soul to the devil,” an officer said.

* Warn her that she could be jailed alongside “hard, evil” people if she received a custodial sentence.

The meetings took place in a Glasgow police station last month and in a supermarket cafe on Tuesday. Gifford used a mobile phone and device sewn into her waistcoat to record what they described as a “business proposal” that she should think of as a job.

They intimated that in return for updates on Plane Stupid’s plans she could receive large sums of money in cash.

When lawyers acting for Plane Stupid contacted Strathclyde police this week to establish the identities of the detective constable, they were initially told by the human resources department there was no record of his name.

But when the Guardian contacted the force, they acknowledged officers had had meetings with Plane Stupid activists.

In a statement last night, assistant chief constable George Hamilton said the force had “a responsibility to gather intelligence”, and such operations were conducted according to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA). The force would not comment on the identity of the officers.

One Response to “Britain: Police Caught On Tape Trying to Recruit Plane Stupid Protester as Informant”

  1. AHuxley says:

    The same tactics worked so well in the past,
    COINTELPRO with its infiltrating, disrupting, marginalizing, and/or subverting groups.
    or even Microsoft with its “embrace extend extinguish”.
    Their last great success was the anti vivisection movement.
    To stop groups cold, isolate them or get them focused on pointless busy work. The main problem is the internet and a smarter population. The whispering and gossip of some inserted ‘person’ can be fact checked via google ect.
    Hollywood has filmed many of the common infiltration methods.
    Its seems the heads of the security forces still think its 1960-80.
    The theory of a spontaneous anonymous mob was used by the CIA in Eastern Europe in the 1980’s. Getting vast amounts of printed information out and a few broadcasts.
    Now anybody can print and webcast.
    The solution is the same the Eastern block security forces tried.
    Follow the CIA’s cash, connections, the import of equipment (printing, crypto) to the top and then raid the CIA’s helpers.
    The UK seems to hope with faster computers, a flood of fake or turned activists and real cash they will have more success.

    “Power, carry out your laws” 🙂

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