Useless Currencies of the World Unite!

April 7th, 2009

Via: Daughty:

My brain went into some kind of weird spasm when Zhou Xiaochaun, head of the People’s Bank of China, went on record as saying that he doesn’t trust the dollar to be the world’s reserve currency anymore, and wants, instead of gold, the International Monetary Fund to expand the supply of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), which is just another stupid fiat currency, to use as the world’s reserve currency! Gaaahhhh!

I can tell by the way you are not screaming in fear and frantically clawing your way to the nearest exit in a generalized panic that you do not know what a Special Drawing Right is. So prepare to scream and claw when I tell you that – according to the Economist magazine, which I cite as a source since you never believe anything I say – an SDR is “a synthetic currency created by the IMF, whose value is determined as a weighted average of the dollar, euro, yen and pound”!

I deliberately put that exclamation point there at the end so that Junior Mogambo Rangers (JMRs) around the world and across this quadrant of the galaxy would not miss the salient fact that there is something Really, Really Weird (RRW) when these Chinese bastards are smart enough to reject an over-valued fiat dollar, but then being so stupid that they prefer, over gold, a basket of four fiat currencies, one of them being the damned dollar, along with their four corrupt governments, which collectively own the IMF by virtue of having funded the damned thing in the first place! Hahaha! Brilliant! Hahaha!

So, suddenly, you know something is wrong, and a chill overcomes you, when, even more mysteriously and spookily, the Chinese central banker says, “The scope of using the SDR should be broadened, so as to enable it to fully satisfy the member countries’ demand for a reserve currency”!!!

The three exclamation points indicates that I am on Full Mogambo Alert (FMA), as I now know that Chinese bankers are as duplicitous as all the others; he is proposing to create as much SDR money (which is just another fiat money composed of the fiat dollar, the fiat euro, the fiat yen and the fiat pound) as anyone in the world wants! Which is the problem that got us into the mess we are in, for crying out loud!

One Response to “Useless Currencies of the World Unite!”

  1. ltcolonelnemo says:

    Sounds like one more step to a global fiat currency.

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