Amero Could Result from Crisis: ‘The New World Order Is Upon Us’

January 29th, 2009

I don’t know about you, but when I see the phrase, “New World Order” bandied about on the mainstream sites like it’s a new flavor of TicTac, I have to wonder if people know what this actually means.

The New World Order used to be something that people like me would read about in books that were never in stock in the local book store. We had to special order them. (Unless you happened to live near a book store that focused on unusual stuff.) The New World Order was talked about on radio shows that broadcast in the dead of night, after the alien guy went off the air. The New World Order was the butt of jokes: “Are you a conspiracy theorist who believes in the New World Order? HAHAHA. And Black helicopters? HAHAHA.” etc.

When I went to college, and majored in International Relations, I wasn’t expecting to hear much about this stuff. On the contrary, I encountered heaps of what ignorant people refer to as conspiracy theory as part of my coursework. Is it conspiracy theory if you have to write papers and take exams on things like the World Order Models Project, the Club of Rome, global federalism, multilateralism, economic interdependence, system transformation, the United Nations and its failed predecessor, the League of Nations? Many of the professors were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Go to see a guest speaker and it was Such-and-Another from the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The next week’s speaker, General Bob, was Assistant Deputy Director of Death and Mayhem at the Legion of Doom before becoming an adviser to the Trilateral Commission. Oh, and Kevin, by the way, can you help out at the World Economic Forum next month? The elite don’t hire people to do work there, they just ask students to do it for free. There might be some free food in it for ya’, so what do you think? It’ll look great on your CV.

Sorry, I have to joke about it now because the whole thing was incalculably dumb and such an incredible waste of time and money… Near The End (graduation), I thought, “Maybe I’ll try to get a job stamping shit in passports.” (That means working for the U.S. Foreign Service.) I went to register for the exam and the only thought in my head was, “Oh eff this.” How was I going to be able to bend my conscience enough to maintain appearances in that show if I damn near broke my liver getting the degree???

So, I saw both sides of it. I was one of the greasy “conspiracy theorist” slobs who read comic books and William Cooper. Then, I took a couple of steps down the path to a career in Elite Enabling by getting that silly degree. But looking back on my brush with the New World Order, the thing that sticks out is just how blah and bland it was at that level.

Indeed, you can be looking right at a factory for globalist zombies and not even know it. Look no further than your closest large university with an International Relations program. What you’ll see there are a bunch of people wearing sensible shoes and reading the New York Times and Foreign Affairs. Many of them will drive Volvos and have subscriptions to National Public Radio. There will be an occasional person in a military uniform. The scene will not look too weird at all. But spend a few years in that environment and then tell me that there’s no such thing as a New World Order.

Actually, never mind, tell it to MarketWatch (Part of the Wall Street Journal Digital Network).

Via: MarketWatch:

Thomas Jefferson once said: “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” As the global financial system pushes on a string, investors are desperately trying to hold tight.

The New World Order is upon us, full of hope, promise and a fair amount of fear. In our recent discussion regarding the direction of our country, we noted the risks of catering to conventional wisdom and the implications for the U.S. dollar.

The Minyanville mantra is to provide financial news you need to know before you know you need it. That’s a fine line to walk, as foresight often flies in the face of mainstream acceptance.

In 2006, it seemed counterintuitive to forecast a “prolonged socioeconomic malaise entirely more depressing than a recession.”

For years, the notion of an “invisible hand” was conspiracy theory until we learned that the Working Group on Financial Markets was a central policy tool. And now, as we gaze across our historically significant horizon, we must open our minds to thoughts and ideas that may seem foreign to folks conditioned by the past and stunned by the present.

Currency crossroads

As governments take on more risk — as they price assets on behalf of the market and transfer debt from private to public — the common denominator, or release valve, becomes the currency.

If our economic condition is allowed to take medicine in the form of debt destruction, the greenback will appreciate, and asset classes as a whole will deflate. If we continue to inject drugs that mask symptoms rather than address the disease, the likelihood of a seismic readjustment increases in kind.

The deflationary forces in the marketplace are pervasive, and the “other side” of our current equation, hyperinflation, may be years away. Given the magnitude, breadth and pace of the global financial epidemic, however, we must explore each side of the twisted ride.

Years ago, the Federal Reserve wrote a “solution paper” regarding the need to combat zero-bound interest rates. The concern was the flight of capital from the U.S. and an option discussed was a two-tiered currency, one for U.S citizens and one for foreigners.

Canadian economist Herbert Grubel first introduced a potential manifestation of this concept in 1999. The North American Currency — called the “Amero” in select circles — would effectively comingle the Canadian dollar, U.S. dollar and Mexican peso.

On its face, while difficult to imagine, it makes intuitive sense. The ability to combine Canadian natural resources, American ingenuity and cheap Mexican labor would allow North America to compete better on a global stage.

Experience has taught us, however, that perceived solutions introduced by policy makers and politicians don’t always have the desired effect.

Unintended consequences

I’ve long contended that, much like the Internet prophecy proved true — but not before the tech crash — so too would globalization, albeit not without painful-yet-necessary debt destruction.

To get through this, we need to go through this. If we’re not allowed to go through it, foreigners will seek alternative avenues. Remember, for holders of dollar-denominated assets, seeds of discontent have been sowing under the surface for years, with the greenback off 30% since 2002.

More likely than not, global leaders will watch how our new administration attempts to tackle the financial crisis before taking drastic steps. They understand that co-dependent risk exists as a function of the derivatives that interweave our financial infrastructure. If they could disassociate from our economic ecosystem without inflicting massive damage on themselves, they would have done so long ago.

If forward policy attempts to induce more debt rather than allowing savings and obligations to align, we must respect the potential for a system shock. We may need to let a two-tier currency gain traction if the dollar meaningfully debases from current levels.

If this dynamic plays out — and I’ve got no insight that it will — the global balance of powers would fragment into four primary regions: North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. In such a scenario, ramifications would manifest through social unrest and geopolitical conflict.

This particular path isn’t something one would wish for, but the cumulative imbalances that steadily built in our finance-based economy must be resolved one way or another. Therein lies the critical crossroads we together face as our wary world attempts to find its way.

Scary? Yes. Probable? Not so much, at least for the time being. Possible? Certainly, although I’ll again offer that it could take years before the pieces of this prickly puzzle fall into place.

Effective money management dictates weighing the entire probability spectrum of potential outcomes and factoring them into our decision making process. While the notion of a seismic currency shift may seem obscure, we must respect the possibility long before it becomes front-page news.

For if we’ve learned anything through the last few years, proactive thought provocation is a necessary precursor to effective preparedness.

8 Responses to “Amero Could Result from Crisis: ‘The New World Order Is Upon Us’”

  1. Loveandlight says:

    Back in the 90’s, Pat Robertson wrote a book titled The New World Order in which he regurgitated John-Bircheresque kookery about international Jewish conspiracies (or so I have heard claimed). That and the thinly-veiled racism of the militia-types who often use the phrase “New World Order” as part of their standard rhetoric has caused a lot of progressive-minded and lefty types to dismiss talk of a NWO as unhinged racist tripe. One has to wonder if getting the right-wing crazies to spout “New World Order” every other sentence is part of one of the globalists’ psy-ops?

  2. scarletfire says:

    God (perhaps I should say RA), all this is getting stranger and stranger as wonderful people such as Kevin and many others start connecting more of the dots…
    Been reading lately more and more “of the occult side to this” and that leads to a study of mind/population control which “synchs” (a new word for me!) the post on the stanford research institute. So does all of this have a psychological underpinning? The more I look into the history of psychology it seems the entire field was build for future mind control efforts. Is this why Scientology is so against Psychology? Or more likely is Scientology a part of the mind control system and realizes that the current use of therapy exposes the specific procedures that are used in mind control. (For those interested google “ritual abuse victims” and be prepared for an unpleasant trip thru the rabbit hole)
    And what for fu**’s sakes is the deal with this new emphasis on worshiping the sun. Is Obama to be the new Horus- Ra- Aten- (whatever you want to call the sun god)? A new day sure is rising with this new world order.
    As a small example I’m watching CNBC this morning (I know, business news how mundane- there was a time in this never ending quest of mine to figure out what’s going on in the world that I thought economists were allowed a little more leeway to speak the truth than say political reporters. I mistakenly thought well the numbers don’t lie!).
    On CNBC comes on some real estate guy selling his latest resort complex he built in Cape Town. They show his promo which is filled with people gazing at the sun, at the pool, on the beach, even eating in their restaurants facing the sun. Turns out his first name is Sol. He has also built the Mohegan Sun “indian” gaming casino resort in Connecticut. So I guess in all of our leisure time (those that have any money left!) we are meant to worship the sun for some reason.
    Sorry for the long weird post, just felt like sharing a few random thoughts!

  3. lagavulin says:


    I once read an interesting insight years ago in some forgotten article by a published psychologist, who said something to the effect that “modern psychology has really a pretty lukewarm track-record when it comes to helping individual people. But the one place it has truly excelled is in the arenas of mass-psychology and marketing.”

    To me that answered so many questions all in one fell swoop. Our modern corporate-culture does one thing better than any that has ever existed: it manipulates people’s desires & fears and turns them to their own ends. In fact, such manipulation is so pervasive, and done so well, that most of us have learned to not only enjoy it but to demand that it be done with ever greater sophistication!

    But the nefarious side to this sophistication is that it’s also used in so many ways that aren’t at all simply consumer “marketing”…and in fact, it seems to work far better when the subjects aren’t aware of it. As a matter of fact, the “New World Order” itself has long been predicated on saturating differing cultures with our “Western” influences, in effect “marketing” our way of life to them. And judging by recent history, they can’t get enough of it. It’s really only when their elites catch wind of the sea-change that some resistance it put up, and other methods of conquest have to be considered….

  4. Druff says:

    Re: Scarletfire’s comment, this site goes into a lot of fascinating detail about recent developments in Obama/sun/Horus symbolism popping up around the world, for anyone interested:

    It touches on other things too, like the popular ferris wheel on water theme mentioned on cryptogon a week or two ago.

  5. Zuma says:

    one can go to gutenberg and search out h. g. wells and george orwell and find they had a long public dialogue debating NWO and related arguments so current now. and that was like 70 years ago.

  6. tochigi says:

    sorry, but i couldn’t be bothered clicking through the “MarketWatch” link. this piece is such an ignorant load of tripe, you have to wonder who the target audience really is? and what psyop purpose will this serve? sort of reads like “NWO, we might just have to bite the bullet folks! but don’t worry, it’s all good!”

  7. messianicdruid says:

    Coincidence Theory is default position for the haughty.

  8. il says:

    Hmm… bandied about indeed:

    How about this article from The Sydney Morning Herald:

    “Time for a new world order: PM”

    No-one even mentions the phrase, “new world order” in the article at all, much less the PM… so who then decided on the title, and why??? Coincidence as usual, I guess

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