New Zealand: ‘100% Pure’ Campaign Shows Tourist Drinking River Water
July 14th, 2017haha oh sure, go for it:
And that’s near the most precious spring in NZ. Up where I live, in the Far North, the situation is apocalyptic. I snapped this image just a few KMs from my house:
Hardly anyone cares or even notices. But they love the National Party up here.
Via: Stuff:
While concerns grow about the health of New Zealand’s waterways – including the potential for reputational damage – it has not changed the way the country presents itself to the world.
The latest “100% Pure” campaign, released last week, shows a tourist drinking water from a river, something that would be dangerous in parts of the country.
The Government-funded ad was released last week by Tourism New Zealand (TNZ), and will be broadcast around the world over the next two years.
The campaign is titled “where one journey leads to another”, and anchors on a dream-like video following two tourists tramping, diving and kayaking in various locations throughout New Zealand.