Despite this guy’s doe-eyed an-cap idealism (seriously, if this had been text instead of video, I would have thought I was reading something penned by a college sophomore or junior), I respect that this guy recognized the true nature of the Trump vs. Hillary crap-show and stood by his analysis when a lot of his regular listeners were apparently drinking the Trump-Aid. For me, what made it nearly impossible to see Trump as some kind of Hero of the Working Man (TM) was that he had this long history of stiffing people who have done work for him (among other reasons).
Though in a sense, I’m glad that Trump won because his victory has revealed the extent to which so-called “progressives” are just as much mind-controlled puppets and camp-followers as the more obviously stupid and hateful right-wing talk-radio crowd. As much as I have been starting to become disillusioned in recent years, I really have been astonished by the extent to which this has turned out to be true these past three months! News Photo 110426-A-7597S-183: U.S. Special Operations service members with Special Operations Task Force South board two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters following a clearing operation in Panjwa'i district in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, on April 25, 2011. Source: Wikimedia.
Despite this guy’s doe-eyed an-cap idealism (seriously, if this had been text instead of video, I would have thought I was reading something penned by a college sophomore or junior), I respect that this guy recognized the true nature of the Trump vs. Hillary crap-show and stood by his analysis when a lot of his regular listeners were apparently drinking the Trump-Aid. For me, what made it nearly impossible to see Trump as some kind of Hero of the Working Man (TM) was that he had this long history of stiffing people who have done work for him (among other reasons).
Though in a sense, I’m glad that Trump won because his victory has revealed the extent to which so-called “progressives” are just as much mind-controlled puppets and camp-followers as the more obviously stupid and hateful right-wing talk-radio crowd. As much as I have been starting to become disillusioned in recent years, I really have been astonished by the extent to which this has turned out to be true these past three months!