Mystery Illness Plagues Girls in Colombia… After They Receive HPV Vaccine
September 21st, 2014Via: AFP:
A mystery illness is plaguing girls in this town in northern Colombia, and locals say a vaccine against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus, or HPV, is to blame.
First their hands and feet feel cold. Then they go pale and cannot move. Some convulse and fall to the floor.
In El Carmen de Bolivar, near the port of Cartagena, dozens of teenagers have experienced similar symptoms. Some have even lost consciousness.
“They vaccinated me in May and I started fainting in August. My legs became heavy and I couldn’t feel my hands anymore. When I woke up, I was in the hospital,” recalled 15-year-old Eva Mercado.
She passed out seven times in a month.
For most of the families affected in this town of 67,000, there is no doubt about what is causing the problem.
They place the blame squarely on a vaccination campaign against HPV, one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, which can trigger cervical cancer.
The city’s modest Nuestra Senora del Carmen hospital has been overwhelmed by a surge of unconscious teenage girls being wheeled through its doors.
Panicked fathers bring their daughters to the facility aboard their motorcycles, using the town’s dirt roads.
Doctors search, in vain, for possible cases of hypoglycemia or drug abuse.
The epidemic has grabbed national headlines, and President Juan Manuel Santos has been forced to weigh in.
Insisting the HPV vaccination campaign was safe, Santos suggested the epidemic was no more than a “phenomenon of collective suggestion.”
a “phenomenon of collective suggestion.”
Well, as per usual, the authorities have it backwards. The mystery virus in Columbia IS real and WAS caused by the vaccine.
Ebola, on the other hand, is the real “phenomenon of collective suggestion” at least so far. God knows what the hell they’ll put in the Ebola vaccine though. If they make it mandatory, say hello to the zombie apocalypse (or some equally horrific living nightmare).
Jim Stone has some thoughts, which may not be 100% accurate in terms of specifics, but he makes some solid points about this Ebola outbreak having barely any pictures available at all, despite 70% of the Liberian population plugged in with cellphones (that take pictures and can easily be uploaded to the net).
Then, there’s Leuren Moret, who always strikes me as having at least some good insights even if I don’t always agree with everything she says. Skip to 51:15 for the discussion on Ebola:
And, in case you had any doubts that 2014 marks the beginning of something wicked, look what the elites have done:
The Georgia Guidestones Have Officially Been Updated with the Year 2014
Just remember, boys and girls, if you’re suspicious of vaccines its only because you’re a tinfoil hat-wearing loser.