Michael C. Ruppert Has Committed Suicide

April 15th, 2014

“I’m tired. I’m ready to die.”

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World’s End

Via: CollapseNet:

I have been informed that MCR has committed suicide. I am devastated, and very, very sad…

We’ll report more as information becomes available.


MCR was my friend, my client (I was his attorney) and business partner in CollapseNet. We will gather and report THE FACTS about MCR’s death, and nothing else. On my honor, the truth of MCR’s death WILL BE TOLD, and his memory will be honored.

Media inquiries should come right here, to me, via ceo@collapsenet.com.

Rest In Peace Mike. I am so sorry that you are gone. You fought the greatest of fights, you opened thousands of eyes and you have earned your place in history, and in our hearts.

Much more to come…

Wesley T. Miller

Research Credit: LoneWolf

3 Responses to “Michael C. Ruppert Has Committed Suicide”

  1. brandon says:

    Oh wow this is tragic. One of the 1st books I read that opened my eyes.

  2. mangrove says:

    Very upsetting. I followed Michael C. Ruppert since about 2004, and was a member of From The Wilderness until its dissolution. Because of Mike’s concern about the future of this world, he made it his mission to warn those who would listen about what was coming and how we should prepare. I listened, did my own research as well, and got into action. On the financial front, he warned everyone to get out of the dollar long before many others — I did it in 2004, cashed in IRAs, took the penalties, invested in hard assets. On energy, he inspired me to invest in solar panels for my home. On food security, I began gardening and transforming my 1/2 acre into a food producing oasis. I’m now in the 9th year and have mastered a lot of what it takes, and have mature fruit trees, etc.

    The man scared the shit out of me, and for that I am thankful. People say we shouldn’t live in fear. I understand the reasoning behind that. In normal times, I would agree. We don’t live in normal times (whatever that means, anyway). To me, fear has been given a bad rap. Fear has been the great motivator for me in changing my life, completely rearranging my priorities, and learning new skills for the coming dark ages. It’s a balancing act, of course, but seeing the coming storm demands getting into action and becoming a prepper.

    If Mike taught me anything, it was that denial is not a river in Egypt. But seriously, denial is the number one enemy that keeps us from moving forward into the brave new world paradigm which we all face, like it or not.

    I’m deeply saddened. It is a tragic day for humanity when one of the few good truth tellers leaves this mortal coil, regardless of how or why. He will be greatly missed. RIP Michael. Your legacy will not be forgotten.

  3. Dennis says:

    Michael Ruppert’s work was instrumental in leading me down the supra-political rabbit hole and impressing upon me something of how darkness manifests through the earthly game of thrones.

    Vale, Mike. Thank you.

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