$12 Billion Dollars Missing in Iraq

February 7th, 2007

Forget the bogus contracts for war toys and crap. Just print the money and deliver it to the thieves in shrink wrapped bundles.

It sounds like a scene out of Miami Vice! But no, this was official U.S. policy. Of course, Bremmer says that the funds were used in the, “best interests of the Iraqi people.”

We can’t even catch our breath from one absurdity to the next.

The war is being used as an ongoing cover for what will eventually become known as the greatest heist in the history of the world.

Via: Bloomberg:

Representative Henry Waxman, kicking off hearings on government contracting, questioned former Ambassador L. Paul Bremer today on what happened to as much as $12 billion in unaccounted-for cash spent when he was in charge of rebuilding Iraq.

A report from Waxman’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said the money represented more than half of Bremer’s budget from May 2003 to June 2004. The report described contractors being told to bring big bags to collect shrink- wrapped bundles of money and one episode where a Bremer staff member was allegedly told to spend $6.75 million in a week.

“We have no way of knowing if the cash that was shipped into the green zone ended up in enemy hands,” Waxman, a California Democrat, said at today’s hearing. “We owe it to the American people to do everything we can to find out where the $12 billion went.”

6 Responses to “$12 Billion Dollars Missing in Iraq”

  1. […] Spooks lining their pockets with blood money?! Imagine my shock. This case represents just one tiny deal. What about the other $12 billion that went missing in Iraq? […]

  2. Bremmer sez the Iraqis got the the money. What the Iraqis got was the shaft with dozens of stories like the links below documenting the raping of everything from the economy to the resources to the antiquities to the Iraqi women and daughters to the spirit of an entire nation we proudly boasted we went to occupy… errr… liberate. Financed with THEIR money. And ours!!

    Documentary: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article12499.htm …. Dr Ali Fadhil, a 29 year old Iraqi doctor, investigates what has happened to billions of dollars worth of Iraqi money which was put into the care of the US led coalition to be spent for the benefit of Iraqi people on the reconstruction of their country. He uncovers a shocking story of fraud, incompetence and corruption, unscrupulous foreign contractors who made millions from dodgy contracts, and literally billions of dollars which cannot be properly accounted for


  3. scottc says:

    nothing compared to the 2.3 trillion dollars rumsfeld admitted the dod lost. the bottom line is, we can’t trust anyone in any position of any authority anywhere.


  4. David says:

    Being disconnected from the control systems, I’m not shocked by much, but the sheer brazenness of this crime made my jaw drop.

  5. Ash says:

    Methinks this has CIA (or other agencies) written all over it – I’m not that stupidly left-wing to think the whitehouse too incompetent to simply give $12b to Iraqi militia. $12b makes a nice slush fund for people who work outside of the usual spheres of diplomacy.

  6. Anonymous says:

    No one seems to question why in the age of wireless electroinc banking, we would even need to send that kind of money any where in cash! The idea of moving that sum of money in cash just looks suspect not to mention stupid. WTF!!

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