Why Does RCMP Refer to Flesh Eating Murderer as “Badger”?

August 4th, 2008

Is “Badger” a generic term that these cops use to refer to suspects??? Or… Hmm.

There’s a recording of the police radio transmissions here and here.

Also, I’ve come across a couple (1, 2) other decapitation cases in recent days, besides the one below.

Random madness, or something else?

Via: AP:

A police officer at the scene of a fatal stabbing on a Canadian bus reported seeing the attacker hacking off pieces of the victim’s body and eating them, according to a police tape leaked on the Internet Saturday.

In the tape of radio transmissions, officers referred to the attacker, who also beheaded the victim, as “Badger.” They said he was armed with a knife and scissors and was “defiling the body.”

“Badger’s at the back of the bus, hacking off pieces and eating it,” an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said on the tape.

The RCMP described the tapes as “operational police communications and, as such, are not meant for public consumption.” The tape was posted on YouTube among other Web sites.

2 Responses to “Why Does RCMP Refer to Flesh Eating Murderer as “Badger”?”

  1. GK says:

    Botulism Toxoid?

    This looks just like something out of Will Smith’s I AM LEGEND. Or Children of Men.

    Our minds are being tilled and gardened in preparation for the planting of the big viral kill-off.

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