U.S. Taxpayers Likely to Lose Billions of Dollars on GM Bailout

December 20th, 2012

Via: Detroit News:

The Obama administration said Wednesday it will sell 200 million shares — or 40 percent of its remaining stake in General Motors Co. — back to the automaker and announced plans to completely exit the Detroit automaker by March 2014.

The Detroit automaker said it will purchase 200 million shares of GM stock held by Treasury for $5.5 billion — or $27.50 per share — nearly $2 above the stock’s closing price on Tuesday. GM shares jumped sharply on the news and were up 7.5 percent to $27.36, or $1.90, early afternoon in very heavy trading.

The exit timetable signals the end of one of the most extraordinary government interventions in the U.S. economy in history — the rescue and partial nationalization of two U.S. automakers and their finance arms supported by two U.S. presidents.

Still, taxpayers will almost certainly lose billions of dollars in the $49.5 billion GM bailout – and the government would need to sell its remaining shares for about $70 each to break even. If the government sold the rest of its stock at current prices, taxpayers would lose more than $13 billion. But profits from the bank and AIG bailouts will largely offset the auto bailout losses.

One Response to “U.S. Taxpayers Likely to Lose Billions of Dollars on GM Bailout”

  1. steve holmes says:

    “But profits from the bank and AIG bailouts will largely offset the auto bailout losses.”

    WTF are they talking about? Let’s bail out EVERYBODY and get filthy rich?

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