NSA Claims It Would Violate Americans’ Privacy To Say How Many Of Us It Spied On

June 20th, 2012

Via: Network World:

How many Americans had their privacy violated via the NSA warrantless wiretap powers granted under the FISA Amendment Act of 2008? The NSA Inspector General said they can’t tell us as that would violate Americans’ privacy.

6 Responses to “NSA Claims It Would Violate Americans’ Privacy To Say How Many Of Us It Spied On”

  1. Zuma says:

    ipso facto, they were doing something they shouldn’t have or otherwise there’s nothing to stop them from releasing the number.

    that Network World blurb is a remarkable little paragraph. stunning in it’s disingenuous simplicity. it would work great on a T-shirt in large point size Helvetica. or as a five foot wide bumper sticker…

  2. tenzenmen says:

    Can’t you just see the pumped-up NSA Inspector general smirking while he says this? And then joking with his minions about the pathetic dullard US citizens, and the cynical perversity of it all?

    Oh! One day to see justice prevail…

  3. steve holmes says:

    The answer is simple. They spied illegally on EVERYONE.

  4. frosty says:

    Sick as it sounds, I get amused by the way modern American politics and cuture increasingly parrots Orwell. This news item could have been lifted verbatim from “1984” – but this is not a joke, and we are obliged to witness these sign posts on the road to dystopia. This is actually a tragedy unfolding in (relatively) slow motion. The frogs are being boiled alive. I am re-reading Bulgarkov’s “Master and Margarita” again … it is suitable company for the tidal wave of sinister news welling up from the dark swamp of America’s grave.

  5. Eileen says:

    How do I say this withour revealing too much of my ddentity?
    This NSA IG should be impeached. The whole guist of being an IG is to ferret out fraud, waste, and abuse, not perpetuate it. What the fluck!!!! is the NSA IG smoking?
    This is nuts and I don’t mean almonds or walnuts.
    Assuming the NSA OIG Inspector General isn’t female (show me one who is female) and we can’t attribute such a numb nut conclusion and statement to hormones (as they usually are atrributed when its a female involved).
    Sounds like the NSA OIG has lost its independence in making such a statement.
    And independence from the agency that they are OIG for requires that attribute to do the work it is intended to do.
    Time to take this guy offstage. Don’t kill him, but please, just fire him.
    NUTJOB to make such a atatement. His salary depends on transparency.
    Retire him. Get it over with. This is idiocy.
    Will save the taxpayer almost half a million.

  6. Eileen says:

    Sorry for my typos in previous comment. I don’t have good night vision.

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