Vatican Bank’s Former President Has, ‘Prepared a Series of Dossiers to be Sent to Named Individuals in the Event of His sudden Death’

June 11th, 2012

Via: Guardian:

The ousted head of the Vatican bank came under a withering counter-attack at the weekend as his former top official accused him of negligence and leaked documents were published casting doubt on his mental health.

The Vatican meanwhile warned Italian prosecutors against using information in papers seized last week from the bank’s ex-president, saying it may be covered by the Holy See’s “sovereign prerogatives”.

Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, who was appointed by Pope Benedict to bring the Vatican into line with international regulations on money laundering, was dismissed last month from the presidency of the bank, known as the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR).

The financier was last week reported to have prepared a series of dossiers to be sent to named individuals in the event of his sudden death. According to an Italian prosecutor, Gotti Tedeschi has said his problems at the bank started after he demanded to see “information about accounts that were not in the church’s name”.

Don’t Forget: Roberto Calvi

2 Responses to “Vatican Bank’s Former President Has, ‘Prepared a Series of Dossiers to be Sent to Named Individuals in the Event of His sudden Death’”

  1. Eileen says:

    Get out the popcorn fer sure!
    This guy is declared insane by a psychotherapist observing his behavior at one party? Holy crap, if someone observed me for one night (even without an agenda) I be declared ah, well, fit for something but not fit for being an accountant for the Vatican.
    Jesu, I don’t know what’s going on at the Vatican. But where there’s dirty sex there has got to be dirty money, and I think both are piled high and deep in the land of the holy red shoes.
    So happy that their dirty laundry is finally getting out on the clothesline. Flucking child molesters and money launderer’s! Oops. That’s my strong feeling. I know nothing, but in case I die tomorrow, you know exactly what I think and feel about this Holier than thou Vatican.
    Yes indeedee doodee daddee. I love when the priests who have deflowered and murdered so many children in their sex games are getting their past due bill.
    Time to pay up.Yabadaba doo.

  2. Shikar says:

    Yabadaba doo indeed Eileen. I think the Vatican is in for some interesting times. What we see here is only the surface of a very, VERY murky cess-pool…May this be the start of its terminal draining away.

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