Eurozone Agrees to Lend Spain Up to 100 Billion Euros

June 10th, 2012

Via: Reuters:

Euro zone finance ministers agreed on Saturday to lend Spain up to 100 billion euros ($125 billion) to shore up its teetering banks and Madrid said it would specify precisely how much it needs once independent audits report in just over a week.

After a 2 1/2-hour conference call of the 17 finance ministers, which several sources described as heated, the Eurogroup and Madrid said the amount of the bailout would be sufficiently large to banish any doubts.

“The loan amount must cover estimated capital requirements with an additional safety margin, estimated as summing up to 100 billion euros in total,” a Eurogroup statement said.

2 Responses to “Eurozone Agrees to Lend Spain Up to 100 Billion Euros”

  1. MontgomeryScott says:

    Greece down.
    Spain down.
    Portugal gone
    Italy gone.

    They added another letter to the acronym, about two years ago (‘PIGS’ became ‘PIIGS’, when it was shown that ‘their’ acronym was ‘not politically correct’). Portugal Italy Greece Spain (‘PIGS’) had another ‘I’ added.
    It was IRELAND, by the way.
    Iceland (they TRIED and FAILED to bring this nation down so they turned to)

    India (Microsoft)

    Indonesia (MIC)
    Iran (still fighting for life)

    Iraq (TWICE-OWNED)

    Ireland (YUP)

    Israel (no comment on the NEOZIONIST ownership of the ENTIRE FRIGGING WORLD)

    Italy (home of the UNIVERSAL CHURCH, as well as the complacency of virgin child-molesting deviant homosexual men)

    This is the list of nations starting with the letter ‘I’.
    ‘They’ forgot IBERIA. I would guess that most other people have, as well.

    The FED prints ‘currency’,backed on ‘faith’ (CONFIDENCE), and ‘loans’ it to the ‘EUROZONE’, to keep SPAIN afloat for another month.
    The ‘coalition of the willing’ has become the ‘coalition of the swilling piigs’.
    New Zealand called us ‘Yanks’. They were correct. The Aussies are ‘slower’ than the Kiwis.

    The banker’s boys state that ““The loan amount must cover estimated capital requirements with an additional safety margin, estimated as summing up to 100 billion euros in total,” a Eurogroup statement said.”

  2. Eileen says:

    I like your post, don’t know why. Can’t seem to wrap my mind around all of these Euro bailouts and what it means to the peoples of the world to be “bailed out.”

    Re Spain – is the government there asking the Eupeanon Union for money to help their country or to bail out banks who have made poor choices?

    Fluck. If the Spainards want help for bailing out their banks(?) well holy shee-ite.Wonder how long that disease crosses the Big Pond and infects the U.S.? Jamie Dimon has testimony on Capitol Hill June 13th methinks. Hope he is hauled off in handcuffs on that day as a criminal conspriator.

    In my dreams.

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