after seeing some material on starfish prime, i figure this kind of scenario is, and has been, on the table for some time. bogles my mind thinking about what it would take to prepare for a contingency as drastic as this, all just to restore the feudalism so cherished by the sociopathic narcissists serving tptb. i just dont see any nationalist pushing the button tho, maybe a theocrat of some stripe. desperation moves strong wills. News Photo 110426-A-7597S-183: U.S. Special Operations service members with Special Operations Task Force South board two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters following a clearing operation in Panjwa'i district in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, on April 25, 2011. Source: Wikimedia.
after seeing some material on starfish prime, i figure this kind of scenario is, and has been, on the table for some time. bogles my mind thinking about what it would take to prepare for a contingency as drastic as this, all just to restore the feudalism so cherished by the sociopathic narcissists serving tptb. i just dont see any nationalist pushing the button tho, maybe a theocrat of some stripe. desperation moves strong wills.
It won’t have to be a “manmade” occurrence.
Research “Carrington Event.”