Colombia: 8 Former Israeli Military Men Arrested on Suspicion of Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering and Exploitation of Minors

April 2nd, 2012

Via: Ynet News:

Eight Israelis were arrested in Colombia on suspicion of drug trafficking, money laundering and exploitation of minors, the country’s chief prosecutor told local media outlets on Tuesday.

The suspects, who were described in the reports as “former military men,” reside in the city of Taganga. According to one of the reports, they are suspected of sexually exploiting teenage girls.

As part of a separate investigation, the suspects are also being questioned about their ties to a local drug trafficking ring.

The chief prosecutor noted that the Israeli men were under surveillance during the past year, after arousing the suspicion of local police officers and community leaders.

One of the reports claimed that police obtained tape recordings, some in Hebrew, which might incriminate the suspects.

The suspects denied the allegations, claiming that they were legitimate businessmen.

In January 2011, Colombia asked Israel to extradite former Israeli army Lt. Col. Yair Klein, who was convicted by a Colombian court and sentenced in absentia to nearly 11 years in prison for training drug-traffickers’ assassins in the late 1980s.

Klein was convicted in Colombia of criminal conspiracy in 2001 for organizing training by Israeli mercenaries in “military tactics and techniques” including bomb-making for gunmen employed by ranchers and drug traffickers.

Some of the trainees would go on to commit some of Colombia’s most heinous massacres.

One Response to “Colombia: 8 Former Israeli Military Men Arrested on Suspicion of Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering and Exploitation of Minors”

  1. Calm says:

    Israelis at center of ecstasy drug trade
    Israel is at the center of international trade in the drug ecstasy, according to a document published last week by the U.S. State Department.
    By Nathan Guttman
    October 30, 2009

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