Open Thread: Kony 2012

March 18th, 2012

I haven’t watched this thing, and don’t plan to. From previous experience, when I see mainstream news talking about YouTube videos, and how “the blogosphere” has lost it’s mind over them, I just take a pass. (Also, I’m on limited bandwidth, so I wasn’t about to blow it on 30 minutes of video that looked like a waste of time to me.)

That said, many Cryptogon readers are interested in this, and the hive mind aspects of it. So, let it rip in comments below.

3 Responses to “Open Thread: Kony 2012”

  1. tal says:

    I generally go with Tony Cartalucci’s Land Destroyer. I rarely watch videos, preferring transcripts which often don’t exist. This is just a sampling from LD:

    Globalists Pull Plug on Kony 2012 with Spectacular Crash & Burn
    The ravaging of Africa will still proceed as scheduled.

    KONY 2012: State Propaganda for a New Generation

    KONY 2012 Psy-Op Collapsing

  2. brandon says:

    The video has the dramatic soundtrack and of course the cuts and breaks just at the right times to evoke as much emotion as possible.

    Bottom line is at the end of the movie its totally encourages and asked the viewers to support a military intervention… hahaha, surprise surprise.

  3. apethought says:

    And now it gets weird…

    Invisible Children Co-Founder Detained: SDPD

    “Jason Russell, 33, was allegedly found masturbating in public, vandalizing cars and possibly under the influence of something, according to the SDPD.”

    “Due to the nature of the detention, he was not arrested,” Lt. Andra Brown said. “During the evaluation we learned we probably needed to take him to a medical facility because of statements he was saying.”

    I’d be interested to learn what odd statements he was making.

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