March 15th, 2012

Flashback to a couple of weeks ago on Cryptogon:

If SWIFT actually pulls the plug, I’d consider the fuse to be lit. Also, if SWIFT does it before 20 March, this is probably the real reason:

Last week, the Tehran Times noted that the Iranian oil bourse will start trading oil in currencies other than the dollar from March 20. This long-planned move is part of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s vision of economic war with the west.

“The dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme is nothing more than a convenient excuse for the US to use threats to protect the ‘reserve currency’ status of the dollar,” the newspaper, which calls itself the voice of the Islamic Revolution, said.

SWIFT is going to pull the plug on Iran on 17 March, three days before the opening of the oil bourse.

Via: BBC:

Swift, the body that handles global banking transactions, says it will cut Iran’s banks out of the system on Saturday to enforce sanctions.

The move will isolate Iran financially by making it almost impossible for money to flow in and out of the country via official banking channels.

It will hit its oil industry, but may also have a heavy impact on Iranians who live abroad and send money home.

The move follows EU sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme.

The US and its allies accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons – a charge it denies.

Iran last week agreed to hold talks with six major world powers over its nuclear programme, although no date or venue has been set.

Almost all banking transactions pass through Belgium-based Swift, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, which is sometimes called the “glue” that holds the financial system together.

Swift will pull the plug at 1600 GMT on Saturday, in what is all but the final blow to Iranian business dealings.

Research Credit: Timbooch


  1. LoneWolf says:

    There are too many sensitive triggers to start the ‘dominos’ to fall. Pulling the global banking plug for the first time on any nation is crazy. I get the feeling next week is going to be very stressful.

    Add to that some spook stuff:

    The Hegelian Dialectic has been used to influence our society for hundreds of years. An examination of history, and of how our current world is organized, reveals the hidden manipulation of controlled chaos on the unwitting masses.

    What is the Hegelian Dialectical process? Simply put, it is a mechanism for brainwashing, and thus controlling the masses, through controlled chaos, war, debate. The formula goes as such, thesis vs. antithesis equals synthesis. Legitimize a fake conflict, debate, or crisis, and then present a resolution, ie., bring about a desired outcome.

    That is exactly what he appeared to do with Skull and Bones at Yale University, where the word “WAR” is inscribed within the innersactom of what is referred to as the “Tomb”, which is the headquarters of Skull and Bones. This is a clear reference to the Hegelian Dialectic, which is controlled war or chaos, leading to a predetermined outcome. Set society at odds with itself in a fake and contrived conflict, and you can lead them anywhere you want them to go. This institution seems to have influenced several generations, and had its hands in every American government since its inception.

    Say a magnitude 9+ earthquake (Like 3/11 Japan) and the sinking of the soon to be decommissioned flag ship of the USA?

    What do Skull and Bones, ancient German secret societies, the Georgia Guidestones common?

    The answer is March 22nd.

    That’s right.

    The Georgia Guidestones were christened on March 22 1980. The first commandment on the stones was a pledge to keep the world’s population under 500,000 people.

    3-22, or March 22nd, is also the sacred number to Skull and Bones, the secret society from Yale that produces the leaders of the United States and the world. When Tim Russert asked President George W. Bush what the Skull and Bones special number – 322 ­ signified Bush replied that this was a secret. Senator John Kerry, who ran against Bush in 2004, is also a member of this ultra-secret society. He also refused to tell us what the number 322 meant to Skull and Bones.

    Skull and Bones is a German secret organization that successfully transferred itself across the Atlantic Ocean in the early 1800’s. When you back-engineer the secret societies from which the German version of Skull and Bones emerged one finds a strange fascination with Mars.

    March is the only month of the year that is named after a specific planet in the solar system. It is also the first day of spring as well as the first day in the zodiacal sign of Aries, which is the Greek word for Mars, and it is where ‘March’ gets its name.

    The number 322 is vitally important to these secret societies especially Skull and Bones, which has the number, enshrined in their tomb at Yale.

    The number 322 is actually the number for March 22nd. The first day of Aries, also called Mars (The god of WAR) Like a badge of blood in the sky, the Red Planet has long stood for the gods of war. The word martial, pertaining to war, came from Mars, the god of war. h*ttp://

    The historical and geological records say the Earth and particularly the Pacific Ring of Fire will experience a 9+ magnitude quake event on March 22, 2012 @ 4:58:34 UTC where Earth axis is expected to shift 5+ inches. Earth experienced a simlar event on February 27, 2010 and March 11, 2011 and we expect the 188-day Cycle Pattern to continue. Everyone living in a seismic zone should pay careful attention to events transpiring around March 22, 2012 along with people living near the coasts.

    This dude actually speaks out to say the Kiwis and/or the US North Pacific seem at risk.

  2. Eileen says:

    Haven’t been able to read on this site for A LONG TIME it seems. Glad you picked up on SWIFT Kevin. Never have seen anything like this monetary warfare before.
    My heart goes out to the Iranian people. Like they aren’t humans. The link below is in my favorites (posted on Solari a few weeks ago)- Iranian musicians celebrating Rumi. I think I’ve watched it 20 or 30 times now. The Iranians are NOT MY ENEMY.

    @Lone Wolf –
    I bought my first print copy of the Mountain Astrologer at a grocery store in January. The Vedic Astrolor Kushal Kamar said that there are three weeks between March 22 and April 14 2012 for all kind of shit to happen. He attributes all of this to Saturn, Rahu, and Keho, the planets afflicling Mars being in retrograde motion. Never heard of Rahu and Keho before.

    Those dumb ass skull and bone folks certainly like March don’t they:
    Oklahoma City Bombing

    Lord knows what else. Only reason I remember all these events in March is that dear old Dad would have been 102 today. And I was so involved with his end of life stuff that I didn’t get the March whatever the gig is with these need-to-get-a-human-life-pricks that look at March as a time to spring forward with their life exterminating plans. It is an Anti-life agenda if want my not so HO.

    As weirdly warm as it is, Happy spring!


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