Inflation Rate on Typical Purchases: 8%

March 1st, 2012

Via: CBS:

Forget the modest 3.1 percent rise in the Consumer Price Index, the government’s widely used measure of inflation. Everyday prices are up some 8 percent over the past year, according to the American Institute for Economic Research.

The not-for-profit research group measures inflation without looking at the big, one-time purchases that can skew the numbers. That means they don’t look at the price of houses, furniture, appliances, cars, or computers. Instead, AIER focuses on Americans’ typical daily purchases, such as food, gasoline, child care, prescription drugs, phone and television service, and other household products.

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One Response to “Inflation Rate on Typical Purchases: 8%”

  1. prov6yahoo says:

    I shop for groceries every week. Prices have gone up 15-30 percent in the last year.

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