Fewer Young Adults Hold Jobs Than Ever Before

February 9th, 2012

Via: CNN:

The share of young adults with jobs has hit its lowest level since the government started keeping records just after World War II.

By the end of 2011, only 54.3% of those between the ages of 18 and 24 were employed, according to a Pew Research Center report released Thursday. And the gap in employment between the young and all working-age adults is roughly 15 percentage points — the widest on record.

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5 Responses to “Fewer Young Adults Hold Jobs Than Ever Before”

  1. Difranco says:

    With the rise of minimum wage to about $9.00 an hour it’s not a surprise. I now bid out jobs by the piece rather than the hour using day labor.

  2. tm says:

    Difranco: So you use cheap illegal immigrant labor, thereby socializing your costs. How noble of you.

  3. pookie says:


    There’s nothing noble about economic ignorance.

    Mythology of the Minimum Wage:

    Do We Really Need a Minimum Wage?:

  4. tm says:

    Pookie, I’m a Ron Paul supporter, but I hate the way some companies employ desperate illegal aliens (aka “day workers”) and pay them crap wages with the understanding that the tax-payer funded “social safety net” will subsidize them.

  5. pessimistic optimist says:

    not to mention the very realistic comparisons to colonial slavery. mexicans are people too just like the 18-24 y/os being exploited for their desperation, and that sh*t aint pretty, nobody deserves to be treated that way.

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