They Just Love That Eye Symbolism

February 6th, 2012

Ah, Madonna. At least she’s consistent.

Madonna, 1980s?

Madonna, 1980s?

Below is a picture from the Stupor Bowl half time show.

Vigilant Citizen‘s head will explode when he sees the video of this.

Via: Daily Mail:

I dare you to look at this with a pair of They Live sunglasses

I dare you to look at this with a pair of They Live sunglasses

Update: Vigilant Citizen: Madonna’s Superbowl Halftime Show: A Celebration of the Grand Priestess of the Music Industry

Research Credit: PF

2 Responses to “They Just Love That Eye Symbolism”

  1. Mucius Porsena says:

    I’ve geeked out on Vigilant Citizen from time to time, and as soon as the event started, all I could think was, I can’t wait to see VC’s write up of this!

    Right before this very shot appeared, my friend was like (we we’re keeping our voices down so that other people in the room wouldn’t look at us funny): Well, they haven’t put a single eye on top of the pyramid yet. (There was a ton of other symbolism throughout the performance. It ended with “World Peace” written in golden glitter on the field.)

    I haven’t seen a football game in years, and I only saw this one by social accident, but I’m glad I got to see this, though.

    Also, saw “They Live” for the first time this weekend, courtesy of same friend. I’d never even heard of it. Prescient film, and that fist fight in the middle really made me NOT want to ever be involved in serious violence. Brutal.

  2. Noble says:

    Another public ritual from High Priestess Madonna.

    Cue big wicker effigy.

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