New Category on The Pirate Bay: Physibles

January 24th, 2012

Via: The Pirate Bay:

New category.

We’re always trying to foresee the future a bit here at TPB. One of the things that we really know is that we as a society will always share. Digital communication has made that a lot easier and will continue to do so. And after the internets evolutionized data to go from analog to digital, it’s time for the next step.

Today most data is born digitally. It’s not about the transition from analog to digital anymore. We don’t talk about how to rip anything without losing quality since we make perfect 1 to 1 digital copies of things. Music, movies, books, all come from the digital sphere. But we’re physical people and we need objects to touch sometimes as well!

We believe that the next step in copying will be made from digital form into physical form. It will be physical objects. Or as we decided to call them: Physibles. Data objects that are able (and feasible) to become physical. We believe that things like three dimensional printers, scanners and such are just the first step. We believe that in the nearby future you will print your spare sparts for your vehicles. You will download your sneakers within 20 years.

The benefit to society is huge. No more shipping huge amount of products around the world. No more shipping the broken products back. No more child labour. We’ll be able to print food for hungry people. We’ll be able to share not only a recipe, but the full meal. We’ll be able to actually copy that floppy, if we needed one.

We believe that the future of sharing is about physible data. We’re thinking of temporarily renaming ourselves to The Product Bay – but we had no graphical artist around to make a logo. In the future, we’ll download one.

Posted in Technology | Top Of Page

5 Responses to “New Category on The Pirate Bay: Physibles”

  1. realitydesign says:

    (Peers back over shoulder and slides into WTF?! folder)

  2. eyelight says:

    Makes me think of an old Philip K. Dick short story I read years ago.
    Pay For The Printer.

  3. Zuma says:

    who knows now what it is like to be a watchmaker, or better yet (for the watchmaker’s sake) a genuine master machinist? or a cobbler or…

    as a cartoonist, an old one, i wrestle with choosing between using a truetype font or my handlettering. sure, i’ve made a truetype of my own lettering, but that’s still nowhere near the same thing or same product.

    @eyelight: interesting link, i’ll have to read that story, thanks.

  4. alvinroast says:

    My first thought was that they’d better start by printing a whole lot of printers.

    @eyelight Thanks. The story I was thinking of I thought was by Philip K. Dick where the protagonists father keeps going to prison for printing copies of things and when he gets out of prison decides to focus exclusively on printing more printers rather than just things to sell. I’m not sure if this is the same story or not, but they’d better start by printing more printers.

    I could almost get back into industrial design if I were able to give away my ideas to be copied. Hmm…

  5. Zuma says:
    Here’s an alternative to Thingiverse: The Pirate Bay has a new category for 3D-printable objects. The best file so far? A 1970 Chevelle. US Copyright law does not protect (most) physical objects, so it’s not illegal. Honestly, we can’t wait for somebody to take this to the courts; It’s sure to be an interesting case. Somebody upload a ship hull design and give the EFF a buzz.

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