Twelve Triggers for World Government

January 1st, 2012

Via: Adrian Salbuchi:

The Private Global Power Elite embedded in major governments is dead set on imposing World Government on us sooner rather than later. Let’s look at 12 mega-processes – veritable “Triggers” – that we infer they are using to achieve their goals.

Research Credit: windhorse

4 Responses to “Twelve Triggers for World Government”

  1. Zuma says:

    just days ago, this post with Salbuchi on caught my eye as i scoured that site devouring files:

    i didn’t follow up with any research on Salbuchi as yet and so i appreciate the link.

  2. Windhorse says:

    Adrian Salbuchi links from

  3. latincognito says:

    Adrian Salbuchi’s work triggered my political awakening a couple of years ago when I arrived in Buenos Aires and stumbled onto one of his books on global geopolitics, “Bienvenidos a la Jungla”.

    Since then I’ve evolved towards market anarchism, which fundamentally clashes with Salbuchi’s worldview in many respects. But his work definitely triggered a strong “red-pill effect” in me.

    Besides writing, Salbuchi is politically quite active here in Argentina: It was him who researched, built the case and sued Ex-President Nestor Kirchner for the alleged embezzlement of more than 500 million USD during his tenure as Governor of Santa Cruz province during the early 90’s. He is equally aggressive in his criticism of the politicians at the opposite side of the political spectrum here: A breath of fresh air in a country where most of the critics of the current regime tend to look at “the good old days” of the 70’s right-wing dictatorship with a nostalgic sigh.

    On the other hand, in my view Salbuchi has very strong nationalist views and tends to be extremely conservative on some social issues. For example, he strongly opposed the legalization of gay marriage here in Argentina, and is quite convinced that in large part, homosexuality is a sort of disorder artificially imposed by media brainwashing, with the aim of reducing population growth and facilitating the takeover of largely unpopulated areas of fertile Argentinian land by the New World Order elite.

    He clearly sees Juan Domingo Peron as a national hero, always exalting his drive for a geopolitically independent Argentina after WWII, but apparently blind to the perverse, fascist character of his regime, and the implications it had for the structural problems that still plague Argentina’s economy and political structure.

    His views on economics are fundamentally statist, and in my view, flawed. He believes in fiat currency issued by a sort of “democratically controlled” central bank, in the state as a prominent provider of education, etc.

    Salbuchi is very active on YouTube, here’s his channel:

    And his personal website:

  4. steve holmes says:

    I’ve got it on pretty good authority that we’re already living under world government. Duh….

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