9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

December 15th, 2011

Via: The Corbett Report:

2 Responses to “9/11: A Conspiracy Theory”

  1. Miraculix says:

    Like the subject of the Kennedy hit, 9/11 is a lightning rod that will be used to maintain a coherent rift in the mass mind…

    * We’re still arguing about JFK — nearly sixty years later.

    * Germany (and Japan) are still occupied nations — over sixty years later.

    I really enjoyed the most recent Backchannel post with the Fulford interview. Even if the sheer numbers involved cause a certain kind of incredulity to take hold, in a larger sense it all rings true to my long-time dissident mind.

    And it goes even further in explaining the long-range motives beneath SO much of the inexplicable s**t that passes for history on-and-off the books.

    When will we finally know the “truth” about that day in NYC?

    Probably never. At least any of the generations alive today, anyway…

  2. prov6yahoo says:

    Voting has pretty much been determined to be useless. I think that that makes it just the more reason for voting for Ron Paul. It would be like voting for none of the above. If the vote counting hasn’t been completely rigged, so that Paul actually wins, we could see how the THEM eliminate him. They will probably Perot him and threaten his family. If he calls their bluff they will then JFK him. Just think of the entertainment value more than anything else.

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