Fukushima’s Cesium-137 Fallout Double What Government Claims
October 26th, 2011Via: Slashdot:
“A new study posted for open peer-review suggests that the nuclear reactors at Fukushima Daiichi released far more radiation than the Japanese government initially estimated. The study [PDF] uses global radioisotope and meteorological data to calculate the size of the release from the plant. Nature News reports that, contrary to official claims, the model shows that fuel being stored in a pool at unit 4 released a significant amount of cesium-137, a long-lived contaminant that has spread across the countryside. It also says that some Xenon-133 may have been released early on in the accident, suggesting that the plant was already damaged before it was hit by a tsunami. Overall, it estimates that Fukushima released about twice as much cesium-137 as the government claims and half as much as Chernobyl.”
This week an emotional (and mildly expurgated) talk by Michael Ruppert which, if not from such a distinguished contributor to the show, I might have discounted as alarmist. Focusing mainly on US, he addresses topics ranging from the ongoing ecocide to threats of WW3, the growing civil unrest worldwide and the ever increasing censorship of commercially controlled media. His central theme is the inevitability of the collapse of money and although he mentions a love revolution and reads from Charles Eisenstein’s “Sacred Economics”, he speaks as a collapsenik.
He starts by accusing the Japanese government of burning caesium waste from Fukushima, sending radiation into the atmosphere, causing the highest ever level of radioctivity in the rain which fell recently on Toronto, noting that this has been the subject of a media blackout.
Whilst it contains important information, his talk — at times emotional — works also on a spiritual level. Reading from Charles Eisenstein’s Sacred Economics Mike Ruppert highlights the fundamental flaw of the money system as a disconnetion from the fundamental laws of nature, a separation inherent in its unlimited growth and the inherent domination of the earth. Until we change the way money works, he repeatedly states, we change nothing. He predicts that unless Ron Paul emerges victorious from a 2012 election – there will be a revolution in USA and the Winter of 2012 may be make or break for humanity.
He recommends divesting yourself of any and all paper investments. He stops short of recommending withdrawl of all money from bank accounts and an all out refusal to deal with money, but this is the direction of his thinking. He addresses the difficulty of admitting to ourselves that we made a mistake with the idea we could dominate nature, and urges us to make peace with Nature, who he says has no desire to punish us, but on the contrary is rooting for humanity to wake up and stop the ecoide.
Perhaps humanity’s most urgent task, says Ruppert, is to come together and shut down all the world’s nuclear plants, to prevent more Fukushima type incidents as collapse progresses in chaotic fashion. Our most urgent task as individuals, he says, is relocalize food production. If you’re not already growing food, NOW is the time to start! The best time to plant a fruit tree is 10 years ago, the second best time is now.
…in the mp3 (actually, 2, an hour apiece), he compares japan to an organ of the world, and says that it is dying. elsewhere he makes pithy points of it’s relation to us. very impassioned, very broad but detailed scope. interesting…