Japanese Communities Record Chernobyl-Level Radiation

October 20th, 2011

Some of the Geiger counters shown in the video max out.

Via: ABC Lateline:

Seven months on from Japan’s nuclear meltdown, thousands of people are still unable to return to their homes around the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

And for many of them, the terrible realisation is sinking in that they may never go back.

Some communities have been found to be radiation hotspots, with levels comparable to those found at Chernobyl.

Many of those affected say they’ve had little help from the Japanese government as they struggle to come to terms with what’s happened.

The ABC’s North Asia correspondent, Mark Willacy, travelled to one of the Fukushima hotspots and talked to some of those dealing with the ongoing legacy of this disaster.

Related: Neutron Ray Measured in Tokyo [???] Thanks Tochigi.

One Response to “Japanese Communities Record Chernobyl-Level Radiation”

  1. Eileen says:

    I can’t watch the video. I don’t have the heart to. Just reading that this monk is allowing people to send contminated soil to his site breaks my heart into a thousand pieces. And it makes me so ANGRY!
    There ought to be laws common to all peoples on the planet that when you cause their habitat to become uninhabitable you PAY recompense, for crying out loud.
    At least in the Chernobyl incident they MADE the people leave due to the radiation, and they also made a HEROES effort to seal the freaking reactor up.
    This Japan response BOGGLES my mind. Sends my spirit over the edge. CANNOT comprehend the LACK OF ANY SENSE OF URGENCY OVER THE STILL LEAKING REACTOR.
    Are all TEPCO and JAPANESE government officials passing around some SPECIAL SORT OF CRACK PIPE? Is that what is PARALYZING THEM? What is causing THEIR CONSTIPATION?
    GODDESS, THEY NEED SOME SPECIAL PRUNE JUICE. And G flucking E (General Electric) what kind of crack are you smoking that you think because you “own the news” that the sheeple on this planet don’t know how you are screwing us with your nuclear power plant designs; and that we don’t know you are in cahoots with the Illuminati or the Isreali’s on the BIG KILL OFF PLAN? What did the people of Japan ever do to you that you are just going to let the people of Japan roast like hot dogs on a nuclear fire? What makes these people so expendable to you? Somebody knows. And that somebody will reap what they sow. Sure hope if I am next to them in some hellish afterlife that I get to have a special set of earplugs so I don’t have to listen to their howling and complaining about how they DIDN’T KNOW what they where doing and shouldn’t have to suffer. Then, and as now, I’ll just be saying GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK YOU MORON.
    So glad I am me, and not you.

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