FBI Informant Manages to Entrap Three Hapless Twits ‘Ecoterrorists’… Barely

May 9th, 2008

The American Corporate State employs a full time counterinsurgency infrastructure with resources that are unimaginable to most would be insurgents. Quite simply, violent insurgents have no idea of just how powerful the foe actually is. Violent insurgents typically start out as peaceful, idealistic, political activists. Whether or not political activists know it, even with very mundane levels of political activity, they are engaging in low intensity conflict with the ACS.

Most of what is commonly referred to as “political activism” is viewed by the corporate state’s counterinsurgency apparatus as a useful and necessary component of political control.

Political activism amounts to an utterly useless waste of time, in terms of tangible power, which is all the ACS understands. Political activism is a cruel guise that is sold to people who are dissatisfied, but who have no concept of the nature of tangible power. Counterinsurgency teams routinely monitor these activities, attend the meetings, join the groups and take on leadership roles in the organizations.

Because the corporate state’s counterinsurgency operatives have infiltrated most political activism groups, the radicalized members will be easily identified, monitored and eventually compromised/turned, arrested or executed.

Militant Electronic Piracy: Non-Violent Insurgency Tactics Against the American Corporate State

Reader CP sent me some information about “Anna’s” ecoterrorist cell. In other words, a bunch of pot heads were entrapped by the FBI… but only just. It’s an interesting read, for those of you who don’t know how counterintelligence operations work.

It also demonstrates the level to which things have devolved in the U.S. This is the most obvious case of entrapment that I’ve ever read about. You might laugh at the flat out stupidity of “the terrorists” and how the FBI informant had to cover the bills because “the terrorists” were broke. But here’s what’s not funny: Eric McDavid was just sentenced to 19 years and seven months in prison.

Hint to All Stoned Sign Wavers: The person you met at the protest—who’s egging you on to blow stuff up—is a fed.

Related Reading:

Conspiracy of Dunces

The Believers (hosted by greenisthenewred.)

Support Eric McDavid Site This site contains some information about the case.

Posted in COINTELPRO | Top Of Page

6 Responses to “FBI Informant Manages to Entrap Three Hapless Twits ‘Ecoterrorists’… Barely”

  1. Larry Glick says:

    Does this really surprise anyone? The FBI was invented by a lying, grandstanding homophobic homosexual named John Edgar Hoover. He stayed in power by the constructive use of fear and intimidation against the American political structure and the American people. Today’s FBI is inept, corrupt, and so destructive of the American ideal that it makes Hoover’s FBI look benign by comparison.

  2. RobertS says:

    Thanks for the article, it pretty much sums up what I believe. I pretty much fell out of the system 4 years ago. I (as well as all of you) have seen these corporate types in action. I had a very high paying job that didn’t require me to see the bossmen much, but even that little was too much, I’m by no means rich but I do have dignity which is something that not a one of my ex-colleagues can claim.

    But back to the point, there was an awful mini-series a few years back called Masada. The movie wasn’t particularly well done but it did have one great quote, from the leader of the band of rebels (I can’t remember the name) but here is the quote: “If you resist they will kill you, if you surrender they will enslave you.”

    That pretty much sums up where we are now. I’m hoping that those who drop out will just be ignored, but I’m not optimistic. I guess what gets me the most is that the MSM and the population are just delighted every time the government finds yet another way to protect us.

    Tacitus in the first chapter of the Agricola talks about a time very similar to ours when a tyrant came to power and everyone went along with the new regime and kept quite in shame. It seems relevant as I contemplate the changed world of today as opposed the world of my youth.

  3. quintanus says:

    One interesting bit of testimony in the court report, from the plea bargainer Lauren W., was her description of their brainstorming while smoking pot of things they could do. This was all caught on the secret cameras. She said that they discussed hijacking a jelly truck and emptying the contents in order to create a traffic jam.

  4. Loveandlight says:

    The whole thing reads like the script of a bad sitcom on The Fox Network. I feel bad for the guy who is taking the worst fall, but he even looks like a hapless twit!

  5. AHuxley says:

    “take on leadership roles in the organizations.”
    Just like on the internet too?
    Chat rooms and forums?
    Soaking up all the ip’s in real time 🙂

  6. tmb says:

    Abandon all hope anyone who enters Federal Court, you do not have a chance, ask Wesley Snipes if you disagree i.e. win the Felony charges and see the Judge Max you out on 3 misdemeanors for 3 years CONSECUTIVE where you have no priors of any magnitude. The land of the brave and home of the right wing fascists . . .

    If you will notice the “Judge” did not allow an entrapment defense: “But (Prosecutor) Lapham scoffed at the theory, and (Judge) England refused to adopt it. To do so, the judge said, “would turn law enforcement on its head in its ability to investigate these types of situations.”

    Gee – – b/c she set him up with sex to be an idiot . . . just another day in “law enforcement” meanwhile the Russian Jewish Mafia runs the country with “law enforcement” scared shitless to do anything about them as they play for keeps on all levels, political and physical . . . . the papers won’t even mention them as a crime group generally b/c they own the media thru their “associates”, but “law enforcement” can always find some poor idealistic types for a few decade fall to make the citizens think they are doing something – – hopefully Yellowstone will erupt soon and bring some justice to all these people . . . truly pathetic the country is a farce, the money is worthless, and the people are morons sold out to organized crime groups . . . .

    So you see, the “Judge” these days in Federal Court, and now in most State Courts (most are ex-prosecutors), can decide that you can’t put on your defense of choice, which then means you don’t have one. The system is a farce in my opinion. If you go to trial in most Courts, i.e. exercise your Constitutional Right, I have found the “Judge” will slam you upon a guilty finding (especially if you are represented by the Public Defenders Office), every attorney generally conscious knows this and you have to tell your clients same even though they are not supposed to be “penalized” for exercising constitutional rights.

    Nearly all “Judges” on the Federal bench were put there by Reagan, or one of the Bushes, mostly ex-prosecutors and hard core born again Christians or members of Christian “Dominionist” groups – – Corporatists all (think Scalia). Nowadays in both Federal Court and State Court the “Judge” from what I have seen in the last ten years, functions as little more than the “second Prosecutor” in the room.

    Funny the zealous prosecution in these stupid cases where no crime was committed but we have yet to see any investigation into 911 (the “Commission” wasn’t for that purpose by its own statement, what “purpose” would be anyone’s guess? — white wash . . .) where the entire thing cries out for a grand jury investigation – – Never Happen.

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