Children to be Banned from Blowing Up Balloons, Under EU Safety Rules

October 11th, 2011

Better require them to wear those reflective-vests at all times as well. And helmets. And…

Via: Telegraph:

Children are to be banned from taking part in traditional Christmas games, from blowing up balloons to blowing on party whistles, because of new EU safety rules that have just entered into force.

One Response to “Children to be Banned from Blowing Up Balloons, Under EU Safety Rules”

  1. cheeba says:

    Hang on, let’s read this article a little closer, shall we? Turns out, by ‘children will be banned from blowing up balloons’, the Telegraph means “packages of balloons will have to have a message on them recommending that children under eight be supervised whilst blowing up balloons.” I mean, obviously it’s still a bit ridiculous, but I don’t see the gain in repeating the ‘elf ‘n safety hysteria of right-wing British newspapers.

    But maybe that’s because I live in the UK and I see it in the context of the wider political rhtetoric designed to turn people against the state and/or the EU – no, not in a good way, Kevin, in the sense of allowing them to push through the total destruction of the welfare system and promote their virulent form of ethnocentric nationalism. I highly recommend Andrew Rilstone’s posts on the subject:

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