Denmark Introduces ‘Fat Tax’ on Foods High in Saturated Fat

October 4th, 2011

Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Mary Enig

Via: ABC:

Denmark has introduced what’s believed to be the world’s first fat food tax, applying a surcharge to foods with more than 2.3 percent saturated fats, in an effort to combat obesity and heart disease.

Danes hoarded food before the tax went into effect Saturday, emptying grocery store shelves. Some butter lovers may even resort to stocking up during trips abroad.

The new tax of 16 kroner ($2.90) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of saturated fat in a product will be levied on foods like butter, milk, cheese, pizza, oils and meat.

5 Responses to “Denmark Introduces ‘Fat Tax’ on Foods High in Saturated Fat”

  1. Dennis says:

    I’ve long believed that in a society where medical treatment is socialised some kind of unhealthy ingredient-directed tax on processed foods would be a great idea because it would put pressure on manufacturers to produce more healthy fare but why, oh why, didn’t they direct this at trans-fats instead of all saturated fats?

  2. tochigi says:

    utterly mindless.
    shallow thinking turned up to 11.

  3. sharon says:

    Well, let’s see…. The PTB decides what kind of medical care you will receive and you are taxed to pay for it, whether the service provided suits you or not. Then the PTB decides what you will eat. These decisions are based on bogus research, which you are also taxed to pay for.

    “why, oh why, didn’t they direct this at trans-fats instead of all saturated fats?” Because your health is not the objective here. Duh.

    The objective is taxation–and control.

  4. sharon says:

    Also, most likely some special interest is expecting to benefit from making “foods like butter, milk, cheese, pizza, oils and meat” too expensive for regular consumption.

    There is more to this story. Maybe there is a plan afoot to destroy that sector of Danish agriculture and replace it with cheap imports? It certainly wouldn’t be the first time a country’s government set out to ruin its small farmers.

  5. Dennis says:

    Seems they’ve already banned trans-fats.

    Supposedly, it’s not about obesity, the Danes having rather low levels, but longevity:,1,3441286.story

    Apologies for linking to the L.A. Times 🙂

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