India Files Biopiracy Lawsuit Against Monsanto
September 28th, 2011France24 Video: India vs. Monsanto: Seeds of Discord
Via: Global Research:
Representing one of the most agriculturally bio-diverse nations in the world, India has become a primary target for biotechnology companies like Monsanto and Cargill to spread their genetically-modified (GM) crops into new markets. However, a recent France 24 report explains that the Indian government has decided to take an offensive approach against this attempted agricultural takeover by suing Monsanto for “biopiracy,” accusing the company of stealing India’s indigenous plants in order to re-engineer them into patented varieties.
Brinjal, also known in Western nations as eggplant, is a native Indian crop for which there are roughly 2,500 different unique varieties. Millions of Indian farmers grow brinjal, which is used in a variety of Indian food dishes, and the country grows more than a quarter of the world’s overall supply of the vegetable.
And in an attempt to capitalize on this popular crop, Monsanto has repeatedly tried to commercially market its own GM variety of brinjal called Bt brinjal. But massive public outcry against planned commercial approval of Monsanto’s “frankencrop” variety in 2010 led to the government banning it for an indefinite period of time.
But Monsanto is still stealing native crops, including brinjal, and quietly working on GM varieties of them in test fields, which is a clear violation of India’s Biological Diversity Act (BDA). So at the prompting of various farmers and activists in India, the Indian government, representing the first time in history a nation that has taken such action, has decided to sue Monsanto.
“This can send a different message to the big companies for violating the laws of the nation,” said K.S. Sugara, Member Secretary of the Karnataka Biodiversity Board, to France 24 concerning the lawsuit. “It is not acceptable … that the farmers in our communities are robbed of the advantage they should get from the indigenous varieties.”
Research Credit: hydrogen smoothie?
I love India on reading this. Have always wanted to go there to practice with a yogi in an ashram.
To find the deep, deep quiet place which seems so hard to get to these days.
Rock on India, these Monsanto and Cargill seed modification have lots of karma they are accumulating and may the goddess go with them when they go through what pain they have caused others with their FReakenstein seeds.
I don’t know how many people have committed suicide in India because their crops failed using GMO seeds. I don’t. But when you fluck with eggplant you better get out of dodge or face the consequences because eggplant has miraculous cancer preventative and curative qualities.
I am remiss on reading about why Monsanto even thinks they have a chance of succeeding in hell by genetically modifying seeds! While another arm of them makes pesticides. Dudes! What is the mission of your company? Is it to kill us with pesticides (the bees too) or just EVERYTHING on the planet? Hey Monsanto and Cargill, can you read? Not many people like what your are doing to this fragile planet. Please just give it up and fold up operations, and put LOTS of money into your litigation expense account, and do have a nice day.