Japanese Government to Invite Foreigners Who Have Large Facebook and Twitter Networks to Tohoku So That They Can Tell Their Followers “Japan Is Safe”

September 19th, 2011

Do they get to bring their own dosimeters?

Via: EX-SKF:

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs have started to make preparations for inviting people from overseas who disseminate information via the social media such as Facebook and Twitter, as part of the countermeasures against “baseless rumors” that have damaged sales of Japanese agricultural products and tourism industry. More than 500 million people in the world are said to use the social media. The ministry has seen the great impact of the social media in the revolutions in the Middle East, and decided to use the social media to counter the “baseless rumor” by having people disseminate the messages of safety and favorable impressions.

In the second supplementary budget for the fiscal year 2011, the ministry obtained 1.5 billion yen for the countermeasures against “baseless rumors”. This plan to invite Facebook and Twitter users with large followers is part of the countermeasures.

4 Responses to “Japanese Government to Invite Foreigners Who Have Large Facebook and Twitter Networks to Tohoku So That They Can Tell Their Followers “Japan Is Safe””

  1. pookie says:

    Batshit insanity. Lookee this:

    63,000 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium from Rooftop of Apartment Bldg in Yokohama City


  2. tal says:

    and, from the same blog:

    Japanese Government to Use Seafood, Goods Made in Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate as Aid to Developing Nations as Part of ODA


  3. tochigi says:

    Allow me to quote a Ministry of Truth official:


    my translation:
    “If (the [SNS mavens] visit the areas [affected by the disaster] themselves, and publish information after eating the locally grown food, there is a high probability that the content published will be not based on rumor and will gain a high level of credibility. [We think that] it is likely the information will be rapidly disseminated to a large audience over a broad area.”

  4. tochigi says:

    japanese font fail (pasted in original japanese text taken from this article:

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