Strauss-Kahn Criminal Sexual Assault Case Dropped

August 24th, 2011

Via: Reuters:

A New York judge dropped all criminal sexual assault charges against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Tuesday, leaving him free to return to France and rebuild a shattered career.

The decision ended a case that brought three months of sordid headlines on both sides of the Atlantic about a hotel maid who accused Strauss-Kahn of attempting to rape her in his luxury Manhattan hotel suite and forced her to perform oral sex.

Prosecutors took the rare step of requesting dismissal of the charges after they had discovered contradictions in the maid’s story and said they now questioned her credibility.

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One Response to “Strauss-Kahn Criminal Sexual Assault Case Dropped”

  1. pookie says:

    DSK was getting too uppity for the PTB.

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