MABEL: University of Michigan Demonstrates Running Bipedal Robot—Sort Of

August 16th, 2011

This is from the description of the University of Michigan MABEL video on YouTube:

In our opinion, this is the most realistic, human-like running achieved on a robot.

Call me old fashioned, but most humans that I’ve seen running don’t require a boom to keep them from toppling over as they run. And they usually don’t run in circles—unless Tequila is involved.

But what I want you to do here is push the play button, close your eyes and listen to the sounds that it makes…

WOOOOH! That ought to get your pilomotor reflex going!

One Response to “MABEL: University of Michigan Demonstrates Running Bipedal Robot—Sort Of”

  1. cgroove69 says:

    i jumped out of my seat!! first thing that came to mind was a marching army of these things. very scary indeed.

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