Woman Faces 93 Days in Jail for Planting Vegetables in Her Front Yard

July 8th, 2011

Via: Oak Park Hates Veggies:

our attorney spoke to the prosecutor today. (for the record, my crush on him is totally finished after today.)

his position: they are going to take this all the way.

officially, this means i am facing 93 days in jail if they win.

no joke.

Short Version: The Agitator

One Response to “Woman Faces 93 Days in Jail for Planting Vegetables in Her Front Yard”

  1. erth2karin says:

    Any commentary or venting on my part is unnecessary, but I’d like to point out that one of the comments in the Agitator article suggests emailing this Rulkowski character, and I think that’s a great idea.

    Hopefully there is some critical mass of correspondence that can convince this bureaucrat that
    a) The word “common” does not appear anywhere in the definition of “suitable”; and
    b) Your home is the *most* suitable place to grow the vegetables you eat.

    I know there are communities out there that can dictate everything from the size of your clothesline to how dry you’re allowed to let your lawn get before you water it, but I really hope they’re not allowed to get away with mandating useless ornamentation as the only option for front yards.

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