U.S. Government Finally Declassifies Pentagon Papers: Complete Archive Posted Today

June 13th, 2011

34% of this is newly declassified information.

Via: U.S. National Archives:

The Pentagon Papers, officially titled “Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force”, was commissioned by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in 1967. In June of 1971, small portions of the report were leaked to the press and widely distributed. However, the publications of the report that resulted from these leaks were incomplete and suffered from many quality issues.

On the 40th anniversary of the leak to the press, the National Archives, along with the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon Presidential Libraries, has released the complete report. There are 48 boxes and approximately 7,000 declassified pages. Approximately 34% of the report is available for the first time.

What is unique about this, compared to other versions, is that:

– The complete Report is now available with no redactions compared to previous releases

– The Report is presented as Leslie Gelb presented it to then Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford on January 15, 1969

– All the supplemental back-documentation is included. In the Gravel Edition, 80% of the documents in Part V.B. were not included

– This release includes the complete account of peace negotiations, significant portions of which were not previously available either in the House Armed Services Committee redacted copy of the Report or in the Gravel Edition

One Response to “U.S. Government Finally Declassifies Pentagon Papers: Complete Archive Posted Today”

  1. Eileen says:

    Gee whiz. Wonder what the “hurry” was to declassify and publish this information? Well, better now than never I guess.
    And to think that anyone who has a day job has time to read all of this. I’m sorry, I guess I wish I was not so occupied with other worldly things that I had the time to read these papers.
    I have a dear friend and former coworker who worked in a non-military position that is now suffering from Parkinson’s like disease. He is suffering greatly. Did the brain implant thing. He said they were spraying Agent Orange everywhere.
    Just wondering if anyone knows whether these new documents say anything about the spraying of Agent Orange? Napalm etc.?
    Not that there is a dime left in the U.S. to recompense anyone for their chemical induced illneses. Get to the back of the bus if you want to file a lawsuit in that regard.
    But knowledge is what we need here for personal tactics re healing. Anyone have a bone to throw this way?
    I thank you in advance. E

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