Judgment Day Is Fabulous for Business

May 19th, 2011

Comedy gold.

Via: San Jose Mercury News:

Judgment Day is fabulous for business.

Just ask Family Radio, the evangelical nonprofit that has plastered billboards and driven vans across the Bay Area and the world proclaiming the end of the world will be Saturday. The Oakland-based nonprofit has raised more than $100 million over the past seven years, according to tax returns. It owns 66 radio stations across the globe and was worth more than $72 million in 2009.

As The End nears, donations have spiked, a board member says, enabling Family Radio to spend millions of dollars on more than 5,000 billboards.

But it is not about money, say President Harold Camping and board member Tom Evans. It’s about spreading the Gospel and saving as many people as possible.

What will the nonprofit do with the millions of dollars left in the bank Saturday?

“When Judgment Day comes, if someone is a billionaire, how will they take their money with them?” said Camping, 89, during a phone interview Tuesday. “If we have any money left, and we will because we have to pay bills up to the very end “… it will all be destroyed because the world will be in a day of judgment.

“The money is not important at all. It’s a vehicle to spread the judgment and a vehicle of the Lord.”

Posted in Religion | Top Of Page

8 Responses to “Judgment Day Is Fabulous for Business”

  1. steve holmes says:

    And let’s not forget the beatified dead pope too. There’s got to be a giant financial motive behind that.

  2. Dennis says:

    This is tabloid trash stuff.

  3. Dennis says:

    Ah…Comedy 🙂

    The sad part of it is how much coverage this has received.

  4. steve holmes says:

    The sad part to me, as a believer, is that there are that many deceived and apostate IDIOTS with that much money proclaiming something that scripture CLEARLY tells them they do NOT know. Consequently, they are adulterating the truth for the sake of gain and causing immature believers to “stumble” in the faith. Scripture says it would be better for such liars if there were a millstone put around their necks and they were kicked off the boat…ALIVE. I guess the humiliation they well face come Sunday will have to suffice in the meantime. That’s almost worth showing up at church to see….Naw…

  5. Ace says:

    There’s a word for deceiving people with the intention of receiving financial gain: fraud. It used to be a crime….

  6. Eileen says:

    I think there is something in the Bible that says, “No one will know the hour when I will come or return.”
    Anyways, I found this awesome organic wine from Argentina called “Santa Julia,” that is made with organic grapes. It means Saint Julia, and Julia was my Mom’s name.
    If the rapture is tomorrow Jesus and I are going to party, because I special ordered two cases of it. Less than $10 bucks a bottle. That is what I eat for dinner at night. I also hope NOT to be taken by the rapture. I want to stay on this dear Planet and if Jesus is returning, I hope he will teach me how to make water into wine. I love the stuff. And he did too I gather.
    Whatever shakes out tomorrow, Sunday will be another day. Jesus has a place in my heart and I don’t need anyone to tell me how to manage that relationship. I’ve had enough of the Catholic “you are a sinner” to last me several more incarnations, thank you.
    I’m going to be keeping my eye on the New Madrid Fault instead. There was a 2.5 Earthquake there yesterday. The HAARP is starting its strum. Be Careful out there among the English.

  7. Eileen says:

    Be careful out there among the English is a phrase from the movie “Witness.” My Amish farmer is moving North. Met with the family the other day and they said, we want to sell to the Amish first, but have many English who are interested.
    I told them the story of the movie Witness with Harrion Ford. I think one of the last lines in the movie is the Father telling Harison Ford character, Be Careful out there ammong the English.
    Sound advice, whatever language you speak.

  8. Dennis says:

    @ Eileen…I’ll remember that advice/saying. I once had the pleasure of staying at a religious community who were like the Amish, complete with German accents despite having been kicked out for refusing to ‘Heil Hitler’ a few generations ago.

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