Norwegian Institute for Air Research: Radiation Forecasts on the ‘Zardoz’ Subdomain

May 13th, 2011

Via: Dutchsinse YouTube Channel:

Research Credit: dale

8 Responses to “Norwegian Institute for Air Research: Radiation Forecasts on the ‘Zardoz’ Subdomain”

  1. Eileen says:

    I love that you are posting Dutchsinse Kevin. Sent him some cash (for what its worth) re his trip to measure radiation in the western USA. Dutchsinse reminds me of you. The world may be going to hell in a handbasket but there is always something to learn that is NEET on the way there!

  2. Eileen says:

    I forgot to add the behavior of my chickens as of late. They used to stay out and forage in the rain. These days, when it starts to rain they run for their coop to get out of the rain. They are smarter than humans I guess.

  3. spongeluke says:

    I’m currently trying to make sense of those measurements

    to understand how dangerous those levels actually are..

  4. spongeluke says:

    for context:

    so i came back to this and plugged the maximum simulated exposure numbers I saw glancing through the video (values listed at top of the images). I pretended that every bg/m2 was 1 cm away from tissue.

    Xe133 at max0.233E08 = 0.05mSv, has an 8 day half life
    I131 at 0.439E07 = 20mSv, has a 5 day halflife
    Cs137 at 0.382E06 = 3mSv, has a 30 year halflife

    Cs137 at 0.382E06 = 0.76gy/hr

  5. spongeluke says:

    and from what i understand the above values, and the videos values are for an entire m2 column of the atmosphere. the above simulator is probably identical to the one they took down. it took me all of 2 min to find with google cache. i wouldnt be suprised if they take further info down because their server is getting slammed by this shit going viral and every one downloading the images like its the end of the world.

  6. jburke6000 says:

    Hey Folks,
    I just took some more readings here just north of Richmond, VA. I am still reading only low Beta and Gamma, well within normal back round levels. I have docimeters in Eastern PA at several locations that I will be checking tomorrow. We are expecting rain for a couple days here in VA. I will be checking water and surfaces for any higher readings. I just calibrated my instruments to known Gamma and Beta sources. I repair/maintain/calibrate scientific instruments for a living, including microwave and x ray scattering devices. I am confident my meters are within reasonable tolerance. I can’t isolate isotope composition, but I can read levels. The normal back round here in VA is a little higher than my locations back in PA, but I am 25 miles down wind of an older nuke power facility. Fortunately, I am moving soon. I don’t like to be that close downwind of a cranky old teakettle. Fruit and vegetables sampled from the local stores shipped from CA have not shown any unusual levels on their surface or internally as yet. I will keep you posted on my readings as time progresses. Remember, fear is the mind killer. Keep your wits about you.

  7. Dennis says:

    My NZ high school English teacher organised a screening of ‘Zardoz’ for us. The same guy had us read ‘Brave New World’.
    I hope I get the chance to thank him one day.

  8. spongeluke says:

    the zardoz images are exactly the same as the ones brought up by, all you have to do is plug in the values at the top of any image he finds on that server (time, isotope etc)

    i pointed that out, and more, and dutch banned me from his youtube channel. he then posted a warning that anyone who posts ‘that link’ will get banned, lol.

    there is a running thread about him on the ATS forum, loves to ban and cant take critique.

    if i ever see his stuff on here again ill be quite disappointed.

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