Arnie Gundersen: “This is about a thousand times worse than ever anticipated by the nuclear planners.”

April 14th, 2011

Fukushima Accident Severity Level Raised to ‘7’: Gundersen Discusses Lack of US Radiation Monitoring Data from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

One Response to “Arnie Gundersen: “This is about a thousand times worse than ever anticipated by the nuclear planners.””

  1. Eileen says:

    I really like Arnie.
    Found this link through Stars Over Washington.
    Looks like there are a lot of people monitoring the nuclear industry as well as the big cloud of fallout that is now moving over the U.S.
    It is encouraging to me that there are a set of people intent on monitoring the nuclear industry.
    The nuclear power plants have been paying the U.S. Dept of Energy for YEARS now, a fee (that the utilities collect from their customers on their utility bills)for space in the former Yucca Mountain nuclear waste facility. Harry Reid won his seat again (very close call) in Nevada on his opposition any nuclear fuel being stored in Nevada. So that project, after how many billions is now in mothballs. And all nuclear waste from spent nuclear fuel rods of any kind be it from spent nuclear reactors on submarines, to the fuel rods from utility reactors is either sitting in the open air in Idaho, or in cooling ponds right next to every single nuclear reactor that exists in the U.S. I wish I knew how France, the most nuclear country on the planet, is dealing with their nuclear waste. Wondering if the Somali pirates haven’t sniffed out their shipping of this crap to them is what this “piracy” is all about.
    I was never an expert in doing cost benefit analyses in my schooldays. I hate that shit. So while there is a benefit in using nuclear fuel for energy generation has pluses; eg, no air pollution, there is really bad suck ass down side to using nuclear power. The cost of disposing of the waste basically wipes out the no green house gas benefit. Tell that to General Electric
    A feasible plan to store the spent nuclear fuel rods should be A #1 on the list of concerns as to whether another nuclear power plant is built anywhere IN THE WORLD. And where France and other countries who have nuclear power plants should be in everybody’s eye.
    This is not a clean energy. Nuclear power, like most other fuel sources that feeds my computer, REALLY SUCK.
    I’ve been striving to increase my non-use of electricity in my life. My home is closer to a nuclear power plant than Fuckusupyoushima is to Toyko. Not Nice. Everyone stay cool. Never worry about those nukelear (as George Bush would say) power plants.
    Sheesh. About now I wish I could stick my head into dirt within a large enough sized pot. Its getting to be almost too much crazy for me.

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