TSA Patdown of Six Year Old

April 13th, 2011

2 Responses to “TSA Patdown of Six Year Old”

  1. Tru3Magic says:

    I had to stop halfway through….this is sickening….

    I cannot believe we put up with this under the guise of counter terrorism. What a joke.

  2. williamspd says:

    Poor little girl. This might be understandable if these goons had reasonable suspicion that mommy was using darling kiddo as a drugs mule, but why the hell are the huge majority of innocents being treated as if they were drug smuggling terrorists? Osama Bin Laden won the war on terror, he made America screw itself up and vomit its freedoms away one by one.

    I’m glad I visited America before all this crap, but I don’t think I’ll be back while this nonsense is going on. My other half’s elderly father was treated appallingly last year by these goons, who kept an eighty year old guy with a severe health condition imprisoned in isolation for a day while his eighty year old wife fretted and waited. I won’t go into all the details, but suffice it to say that he has been doing business in the USA for decades and is personally responsible for billions of dollars of income coming into the USA. Yes folks, you read that right, billions, not millions. He was so outraged by what they did to him that he refuses to return, and is severing a lot of his business ties with the USA.

    Meanwhile, drugs pour into the USA faster than ever, and the next terrorist bombs are unaffected. I can ship container loads of explosives unchecked past your docks on each coast while your security fools are groping children and pensioners and thinking that it makes a difference.

    Here in the UK we have had an expression for a long time now, ‘Only in America.’ It would be funny if what ‘only’ happens in America didn’t then get exported here to the UK after a ten to twenty year delay.

    If they tried to feel up my kids in the name of freedom I think I’d probably get jailed for my reaction.

    I heard about Jesse Ventura filing an action against this sort of thing – but is anyone else in America taking any direct action against this?

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