McDonald’s Wants to Fill 50K Jobs on Hiring Day

April 4th, 2011


Via: AP:

McDonald’s Corp. plans to hold its first national hiring day April 19 to fill 50,000 openings at its restaurants nationwide.

The company says it is making a concerted effort to add staff as its business improves and as more of its restaurants stay open 24 hours a day.

Posted in Economy | Top Of Page

2 Responses to “McDonald’s Wants to Fill 50K Jobs on Hiring Day”

  1. RBNZ says:

    they are just getting the cleaners to flip burgers… seen it in nz already

  2. Eileen says:

    There’s a Talking Heads song with the lyrics, “I wouldn’t live there if you paid me.” Ditto McDonald’s.
    This creature should be shunned with the lyrics, “I would work there if you paid me.”
    McDonalds is the Walmart of food in my never in my never humble opinion.
    Cheap fantastic plastic. And Death by diabetes, cancer of the colon, etc. etc. is the bane of those eating that crap, thinking that its food.
    I have no right to criticize. I don’t eat at McDonald’s, but I drink many empty calories. I’m going to dietary hell with the rest of them lest I change my ways. Sigh. I like my empty wine calories. Sob.

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