MSNBC: “I Hope We Have a Special Prison for 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists”
March 5th, 2008MSNBC ran a story about a 9/11 activist waving a sign at Bill Clinton. The activist was immediately dragged away, but pay attention to commentary from the goons in the studio. They want to activist, and people like him, to be disappeared and rendered in secret prisons.
Via: Infowars:
Video of the piece has now surfaced on youtube. Watch as the reporter sardonically states “you don’t do that because that’s when the secret service steps in”, while his yes people, including Joe Scarborough himself, who seem to be having their own conversations in the background, start braying “Tase him, tase him bro” like automated robots.
“Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories”… The moment amoeba brain said that, it was clear that conspiracy theorists were going to be declared enemies of the state. This story is yet more proof of the corporate media’s complicity in the war on liberty.
I only hope we have a special place in Hell for ignorant talking head journalists…
That smarmy little brownshirt’s making an easy 6 figures if he’s getting face time on Scarborough’s show. Maybe more. And despite his blithe contempt for the Bill of Rights, I’m sure it never occurred to him that he’s a fascist.
And people don’t understand why we homeschool our kids…
I have to admit I’m probably the odd man out around here in my dubiousness about 9/11-was-an-inside-job-sheeple theories. I mean really, now, how is someone such as myself supposed to know “what really happened” on 9/11 by sifting through various websites of widely varying quality and reliability saying this, that, and the other thing? However, if BushCo are not guilty by way of complicity, then they are at least guilty by way of incompetence because the red flags indicating that something like 9/11 was going to go down were there.
However, the fascist bullshit these chowderheaded motherfuckers were advocating was vastly worse than the chowderhead who created an insignificant ruckus at one of Bill Clinton’s insignificant speeches. Fuck them sideways with a rusty chainsaw! (I especially liked the guy who was doing a Chris Crocker impression: “Leave Bill Clinton alone!!”)
They need to make some laws based on old blasphemy laws. Doubt will not be tolerated!
Joe Scarborough – now there’s a laugh when it comes to 9/11 conspiracy theories. I tend to forget what a “rich history” he has until I am reminded of what a dick he is.
This link is the most egregregious – I know the site is over the top in a way – but it pulls together a lot of things I’ve read about “Joe” over the years. Rickie Lee Jones also sings about Joe in one of her better albums. A song about conspiracy theories.
I “love” the implication that JS was “somehow” involved in the Florida recount, and yes, this isalso probably “news you can’t use.” I can’t believe these people:
The Rickie Lee Jones Song is “Little Mysteries.”
And LoveandLight=
“fuck them sideways with a rusty chainsaw.”
Such colorful language, I am busting a gut laughing over that one.
On comment 6 – when I said I can’t believe these people, I intended my comment to mean that I can’t believe that Scarborough and the rest of the gang are sentient human beings.
I believe in the info re the Flocco link.
I believe in the conspiracy angle for one, maybe a couple of other, very significant reasons. Namely that it was “high drama”. You have to admit that it was extremely dramatic, artistic even, and quite spectacular… as though it were scripted. Too perfect to be anything else. The actors played their parts and the audience took the bait. Everything that followed was to collect the receipts and take the show on the road!