NATO Starts 24/7 Surveillance of Libyan Airspace
March 8th, 2011Via: CNN:
NATO has launched around-the-clock surveillance flights of Libya as it considers various options for dealing with escalating violence in the war-torn country, America’s ambassador to the organization told reporters Monday.
Representatives of key Western powers also highlighted the possibility of establishing a no-fly zone in Libya — part of growing campaign to break strongman Moammar Gadhafi’s grip on power.
Has anyone else read what U.S. Defense Secretary Gates has been saying – duh, making sense of WAR lately?
The speech at Westpoint, crying over men killed in Afghanistan, saying that the no-fly zone stuff is an act of war? The man is acting fron the feelings in his heart that are reaching to his brain, and oh the words that are coming from his mouth.
Last thing I do tonight will to light a candle in an offering of prayer for this man.
An anti-war U.S. Defense Secretary. God/dess bless the ground he walks on. And may his aides protect him from harm. Cause everyone else around hin speaks another language.
I wonder if Libya still has any SA-2 and SA-4 anti-aircraft missiles from the 80’s, and if they will launch them at the AWACS planes patrolling Libyan airspace.
My God, the propaganda message in those two CNN sentences is astounding! As if western military intervention would be the compassionate thing to do!
Yes, lets lookee see who in NATO gives a flying flucking crap about what goes on in Libya.Follow the money.
This article made my eyes roll with newly gained knowledge. Scroll down in the link below to about paragraph six. Then you’ll see one person’s (he’s been following the oil shitstorm for years) take on what’s to come.
Hey NATO, you morons, if you want your sons and daughters to die for oil go right ahead and start WW3. Idiots. Go back to kindergarden and learn some skills in relating to other people on the planet, uh, maybe in a kinder, gentler way.
I think there are one or two rays of hope in these times: 1) “Anonymous” has promised to retaliate against the U.S. military for their treatement of Bradley Manning, and 2) U.S. Secretary Gates has said creating a no fly zone is an act of WAR. To me this means the U.S. has already chosen it will not be the initiator of WW3. So hide and watch. Interesting game of chess being played out.