U.S. Appoints First Cyber Warfare General

December 15th, 2010

Via: Guardian:

The US military has appointed its first senior general to direct cyber warfare – despite fears that the move marks another stage in the militarisation of cyberspace.

The newly promoted four-star general, Keith Alexander, takes charge of the Pentagon’s ambitious and controversial new Cyber Command, designed to conduct virtual combat across the world’s computer networks. He was appointed on Friday afternoon in a low-key ceremony at Fort Meade, in Maryland.

The creation of America’s most senior cyber warrior comes just days after the US air force disclosed that some 30,000 of its troops had been re-assigned from technical support “to the frontlines of cyber warfare”.

8 Responses to “U.S. Appoints First Cyber Warfare General”

  1. lagavulin says:

    The implications of this are…so very interesting! It’s an “Official” statement that the Internet is a Battlefront. Which – like “urban conflict” – means there is no longer any ‘enemy’ anymore…..

  2. dt says:

    October 2006: US Air Force Prepares For Cyber Warfare
    October 2006: Wikileaks set up

    December 2010: Wikileaks blows up globally
    December 2010: U.S. Appoints First Cyber Warfare General

    This is what cyber-war looks like. It isn’t like an animated sequence from ‘Lawnmower man’.

    I wish the term Cyber-herding were on everybody’s lips.

    Cyber herding: Start with the target community. Simulate the target community. Control the target community.

    The paper’s about Muslims. So what? This technique is universally applicable.

  3. cgroove69 says:

    Is it really this simple? The connections are astounding to say the least, but if this is the case, then what are we supposed to believe is truth? Are all factions of gov/media/military/internet not to be trusted? I have my questions about each, but all the conspiracy theories that abound out here in the internets are to be taken with a pound of salt, are they not? But then, who can we trust? You? Me? Kevin? There is a certain level of trust that people want to feel in their lives, I know there is for me. And I love cryptogon for all the connections that I would never catch, and everyone who contributes, but I’m beginning to think I’m Mel Gibson, and everyone is watching everything anyone is doing. Like Winston with the amount of cctv cameras everywhere around us. But can it all be true? The fluoridation, the forced schooling & vaccinations, genetically modified foods, the nazis & cia, 9/11, wikileaks registering five days before the AF announces preparations for cyber war? If i had known the truth would i have said to “shove the red pill up his ass”? I don’t know…It just seems to be there’s no place to look where you won’t find a conspiracy lying under a rock.

  4. dt says:

    I think it is this simple. I think it is supposed to be this simple. I don’t believe the ultimate intent is to deceive. I believe the intent is to demoralize. There are those of us who simply want to know what is happening. I believe the ultimate intention of the clone sites is not to feed us a particular lie but to present us with so many competing claims that we throw our hands up in despair. I think it’s working. The clones are made to wear us out.

    Personally, I don’t despair. I happen to believe I can call the genuine ones. But probably no one would agree with all my calls.

  5. Zuma says:

    “There are two sets of principles. They are the principles of power and privilege and the principles of truth and justice. If You Pursue Truth And Justice It will always mean a diminution of power and privilege. If you pursue power and privilege it will always be at the expense of truth and justice.” -Julien Benda

    “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool.” -Richard Feynman

    belief can be too close akin to dogma: petrification can set in. doubt seems almost always more useful, if one must gauge a content’s credibility.

    i’d say just read read read, read your butt off and don’t stop. with an ever greater aggregate of information comes a point where questions of trust become moot. the only body that know the full story is earth herself.

    perhaps consider ‘conspiracy theories’ as analysis of observations or evidence, not unlike the ‘theory of evolution’. consider too that even ‘conspiracies’ can be products of herdchuting or club-joining (in any group or context). sociological forces often are as little considered as they are wellknown, yeah. (eric hoffer’s a good primer read on that stuff in general.)


    seems there’s ripples to history and their intersections can get blurry. noam chomsky is good at observing the details of temporal events and letting no large abstraction or big picture focus divert him -a good model -but with that said, as far as what the hell’s happened in at least the last 80 years, i’d say keep in mind the tremendously accelerating curve of technology and how it affected “Power”, and inflated it’s heady effect [power intoxication]. electrification, radio, the telegraph/telephone, the steam engine, the airplane et al right on up to killer drones was one hell of a tsunami never seen before and not letting up yet. 80 years ago, roughly, the world did try to catch it’s breath; there was ever more ‘heavy thinking’ to do. & espionage, the likes of which could never be done before. the two together led to the utter babel we’re in now: cults of secrecy begetting mucho conspiracy and theories. exponentially still.

    New World Order? Wells wrote the book.

    Brave New World was inspired by the H. G. Wells’s utopian novel Men Like Gods. Wells’ optimistic vision of the future gave Huxley the idea to begin writing a parody of the novel, which became Brave New World. Contrary to the most popular optimist utopian novels of the time, Huxley sought to provide a frightening vision of the future. Huxley referred to Brave New World as a “negative utopia” (see dystopia), somewhat influenced by Wells’ own The Sleeper Awakes (who was dealing with subjects like corporate tyranny and behavioral conditioning) and the works of D. H. Lawrence.

    “There is a strong opposition on the part of great interests in America to the President, who has made himself the spear-head of the collectivising drive; they want to put the brake now on his progressive socialisation of the nation, and quite possibly, at the cost of increasing social friction, they may slow down the drift to socialism very considerably. But it is unbelievable that they dare provoke the social convulsion that would ensue upon a deliberate reversal of the engines or upon any attempt to return to the glorious days of big business, wild speculation and mounting unemployment before 1927. They will merely slow down the drive. For in the world now all roads lead to socialism or social dissolution.”

    consider such backdrop to George Herbert Walker Bush’s youth. his father’s era. consider the birth of the CIA and how that began and what it’as consequences were; black ops, black budgets, unaccountability, shady operators, blurred lines. United Fruit…

    the transnats…

    the NWO/globalization/socialism dialogue/debate got trashed in the torrents of events (‘crisises’) and false flag ops became a tool du jour for every need; ‘remember the maine’, gulf of tonkin et al, and Reason never regained footing beneath the slippery jingo.

    trust the “gov/media/military” factions? no. trust no factions. internet factions? (is that like verbal factions?) -it was this question of yours that impelled me here. did not BP’s arrogant display of power and authority during the oil spill illuminate? or Halliburton? Or the Supreme Court? Or Obama? (Chicago alone is a subject worthy of long study.) trust those in power during a time of peak oil? no. trust that ‘Governments Lie’? myself, i do trust that.

    Webster Tarpley’s book on the Bush family. read Prescott’s role in WWII in particular.

    the cult of secrecy preceded, certainly, but rapidly grew thereafter.

    dt’s terse comment here is worth it’s weight in gold. and brings to mind Burroughs’ Nova Express:

    “The basic nova mechanism is very simple: Always create as many insoluble conflicts as possible and always aggravate existing conflicts–This is done by dumping life forms with incompatible conditions of existence on the same planet–There is of course nothing “wrong” about any given life form since “wrong” only has reference to conflicts with other life forms–The point is these forms should not be on the same planet–Their conditions of life are basically incompatible in present time form and it is precisely the work of the Nova Mob to see that they remain in present time form, to create and aggravate the conflicts that lead to the explosion of a planet that is to nova–At any given time recording devices fix the nature of absolute need and dictate the use of total weapons–Like this: Take two opposed pressure groups–Record the most violent and threatening statements of group one with regard to group two and play back to group two–Record the answer and take to back to group one–Back and forth between opposed pressure groups–This process is known as “feed back”–You can see it operating in any bar room quarrel–In any quarrel for that matter–Manipulated on a global scale feeds back nuclear war and nova–These conflicts are deliberately created and aggravated by nova criminals–The Nova Mob: “Sammy The Butcher,” “Green Tony,” “Iron Claws,” “The Brown Artist,” “Jacky Blue Note,” “Limestone John,” “Izzy The Push,” “Hamburger Mary,” “Paddy The Sting,” “The Subliminal Kid,” “The Blue Dinosaur,” and “Mr. & Mrs. D,” also known as “Mr. Bradly Mr. Martin” also known as “The Ugly Spirit” thought to be the leader of the mob–The Nova Mob–In all my experience as a police officer I have never seen such total fear and degradation on any planet–We intend to arrest these criminals and turn them over to the biological department for the indicated alterations–”

    …the gangster allusions are apt.

    truth is, how does one define power? the barrel of a gun? if so, it’s a gangster planet and more or less has always been so. the law of the jungle. we own the earth, it doesn’t own us, etc. or if one defines power by wisdom & enlightenment, let us hasten such in it’s race with [further] catastrophe.

    truth is, all are born free, free to accept or reject. conformity supports what passivity enables. one will be one’s own author, or not.
    the authority of the individual, the sheer sovereignty of the individual, is ever what’s at issue… so goes the disenfranchisement of human dignity, John Locke be damned.

    remember Obama’s slur of ‘purist’ and ‘sanctimonious’ progressives? sounded a lot like Bill Clinton…
    “When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans… And so a lot of people say there’s too much personal freedom. When personal freedom’s being abused, you have to move to limit it. That’s what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we’re going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities.” President Bill Clinton, 3-22-94, MTV
    “We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans …” Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)

    ‘Realpolitik’ and Machiavellian mindsets are back in vogue now as much as ever, and given time, we forget what anything different is like.

    “The truth is useless. You have to understand this right now. You can’t deposit the truth in a bank. You can’t buy groceries with the truth. You can’t pay rent with the truth. The truth is a useless commodity that will hang around your neck like an albatross all the way to the homeless shelter. And if you think that the million or so people in this country that are really interested in the truth about their government can support people who would tell them the truth, you got another thing coming. Because the million or so people in this country that are truly interested in the truth don’t have any money.”
    -Jeb Bush

    …from Orwell’s 1984 is this reminder on Force…

    lastly, look at http://hare.org on the subject of psychopathy. not everyone has the same degrees of the emotions of conscience, some none at all, and such make for stunningly effective salesmen, con men, and politicians. & there’s scads of ’em. (i think alcohol is a major factor of the dominator culture as well, imho….)

    trust is normal, but nothing is normal really. reality does seem to have an appetite for novelty, and i find that eminently hope-endowing. awesome even.

  6. oelsen says:

    Sometimes, there are competent rulers jumping at the opportunity and doing what they have to: bend everything to gain wealth and power. We don’t know particularly when exactly something is just used or when someting is forced to happen. But that is not important. The reality made by the media is true in the sense it has consequences if nobody acts against it – or creates a better alternative. Those who drive the discourse to the next level can set the agenda. Wining about trust doesn’t help. So:

    “Wikileaks” is nice, “net neutrality” is better.

  7. cgroove69 says:

    First, let me say THANK YOU ZUMA for a very in depth, articulate and well researched response. these links will give me voluminous material to study further. This type of dialogue is something i think i am searching for with others but so many i know are not interested, or think I’m too ‘over the top’. I appreciate the reply, and will continue down the rabbit hole.

    Many of the things you mention I have researched and touched upon. And when I bring some of these things into conversation, people think I’m overly cynical, to the point I’m attacked for always looking for a “conspiracy” (ad-hominem?). Then brushed aside as someone who’s opinion is way too far gone to be accepted as anything other than lunatic fringe. How do you combat this? I realize that knowledge in such situations is always the best tool, but when facts are brought in (Monsanto never being in the media, yet being the largest chemical & GM company in the world for instance), people are so asleep that they just assume I am reading to much into things. Fluoride, forget it, nobody wants to hear it. Vaccinations? I’m nuts for not getting my kid the flu vaccine, nor succumbing myself to peer-pressure. Everything is always an attack, or they don’t get why i would think that powerful people have a different agenda than the one everyone perceives it.

    Anyways, I look forward to an open dialogue with anyone interested in these topics, and thank everyone for their input. it’s good to know i’m not the only one. Peace.

  8. Zuma says:

    …the New World Order link actually got left out, with Brave New World in it’s stead, sorry.

    …much of the public discourse by Huxley and Orwell and Wells -in their works -can be found on the gutenberg public texts site.

    so much in those works sound like contemporary sound bites.


    …as far as being viewed as an over the top ‘conspiracy theorist’ goes, i’d say stay mum and leave it be, just keep ears open. & books.

    the cognitive dissonance does suck though, yes… maddeningly so.


    TR was significant:
    Teddy Roosevelt cranked up the Manifest Destiny buzz by pushing seapower so mightily which as far as i’m concerned was *the* irreversible evolution. a real change in our active policy. who knows what we’d be now if we could have stayed isolationist, but i suspect it just couldn’t happen, given the accelerating momentum of the industrial revolution… one could say the superbad crap began 30 years ago with reagan and gingrich et al -or 50 years ago with eisenhower warning us in his farewell address of the growing military/industrial complex -or our entry into WWII -or WWI or …you get the picture. -but Teddy Roosevelt’s era was a distinct point in time as a redefining time.
    the 3 pictures there of him hold links on TR worth perusing.
    it wasn’t just the philipines & the pacific he affected but south america as well, with the whole panama canal venture to connect it all together with the atlantic and carribbean. gunboat diplomacy displacing actual diplomacy. the glory of steam… (a read of robert fulton’s biography is worthy here, btw…)


    history, of all sorts & all of it, takes a long long time to gorge on & digest, and we’re running out of time. that is the real conspiracy to me. i believe that is what the great dumbing down is about… but everything is connected, and that which is hidden shall be seen to be hidden. there are no secrets, the butterfly effect of every truth evidences it’s actualty out onto everything eventually…


    i don’t think you’re nuts for not getting your kid the vaccination. not at all. nowadays it’s little issues like that (or the TSA groping) where each is practically a sheeple loyalty test…


    nice site! (i just peeked at it.)
    …ain’t no keeping this man ‘mum’…

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