American Intelligence Officials Created a ‘Safe Haven’ in the United States for Certain Nazis

December 12th, 2010

Via: New York Times:

After World War II, American counterintelligence recruited former Gestapo officers, SS veterans and Nazi collaborators to an even greater extent than had been previously disclosed and helped many of them avoid prosecution or looked the other way when they escaped, according to thousands of newly declassified documents.

2 Responses to “American Intelligence Officials Created a ‘Safe Haven’ in the United States for Certain Nazis”

  1. Eileen says:

    This article was in our local newspaper. Weird and like oh yes, how many years later these numb-rods finally release information. Cripe.
    Went to a Taize thingo at the local church with Auntie M, couldn;t believe that this Catholic church had a hymn to ISREAL. What the fluck is that all about?
    Catholic’s incorporating prayers for Isreal in their masses?
    More bullshit.
    I’m was thinking that we should be praying for Palenstine and those people.
    Does this mean that the Catholic’s are on the side of the Israeli land grab? Sure seems like it to me.
    Those of you who are church goers keep an inner eyeball out. At this church, the prayer was for Isreal for crying out loud. I don’t know why I caught it, but I thought it was a criminal invasion of my holy space to ask me to pray for the Isreali’s. People can pray to who they want to but this was iiksome.
    What’s next praying for the Federal Reserve?
    The FED probably does need our prayers, but I don’t know what to pray for anymore. That the peoples learn that they have been scammed, flucked, and screwed, or what? Praying that it doesn’t cause suicides, murders, more war and that the heart opens and the peoples let in the truth. I know I sound, well, like someone out there, but I think it is great that I am out there.
    Things could get downright awesome.

  2. AHuxley says:

    Nazi’s Ageing in Southern Anonymity

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