Opium Fields Spread Across Iraq

January 18th, 2008

Do you get it yet?

Via: Independent:

The cultivation of opium poppies whose product is turned into heroin is spreading rapidly across Iraq as farmers find they can no longer make a living through growing traditional crops.

Afghan with experience in planting poppies have been helping farmers switch to producing opium in fertile parts of Diyala province, once famous for its oranges and pomegranates, north- east of Baghdad.

At a heavily guarded farm near the town of Buhriz, south of the provincial capital Baquba, poppies are grown between the orange trees in order to hide them, according to a local source.

4 Responses to “Opium Fields Spread Across Iraq”

  1. Loveandlight says:

    Opium isn’t necessarily a bad drug (the fact that it has a side-effect of constipation is a good built-in deterrent to getting addicted to it, for a lot of people, at least), but it certainly does become a problem when the vast majority of world opium crops get made into ultra-addictive heroin. Many heroin addicts will tell you about the monkey on their backs, “Heroin is so good that the best way to not get addicted is to not even try it once.”

    I also understand why Iraqi farmers are doing this. Drug crops have always been more lucrative than food crops, and that will be the case as long as international drug-prohibition is in effect. And rest assured that the elites want prohibition not to protect us from our naughty consciousness-altering urges, but because they need the stimulation to the international finance economy provided by flooding the system with the huge amount of money from illicit drug-profits that result from the prohibition system.

  2. Isn’t it a good thing the U.S. invaded both countries to protect our investments?

  3. Miraculix says:

    The sheer volume of historical evidence, piled high to the sky, shows any and all who’ve noticed the goings-on behind the wizard’s curtain, the inevitability of this particular development. Just follow the yellow brick road.

    Despite a long-standing awareness that institutional power has formed the cornerstone of the great edifice of evil since the very first prehistoric shaman became a bit too intoxicated with his power over others, I still like to refer to the cause of the day-to-day evil we watch unfold as “O.P.M. syndrome”:


    O.ther P.eople’s M.oney

    Not only did the illicit drug trade underlying the “O.P.M.” wars in 19th century China and the far east generate the great hordes of wealth underlying several of the familial fortunes still playing at eugenics and the Malthusian zero-sum game, it continues to fund their blackest ops and grease the necessary political skids to this very day.

    Who didn’t seriously think the great organized criminals, the drug lords and financial barons that truly call the shots, weren’t going to “maximize their investment” in Iraq as they have every other corner of the world they’ve invaded, whether directly by force of arms or the stifling chokehold of less bloody economic conflict?

    O.P.M. is the rotating hub of this vast galaxy of organized Machiavellian corruption, the theoretical black hole consuing all matter, and successfully marketed to the bulk of the teeming masses as “nation” and “government”.

    We who are the “other”, they will have our sweat and our fealty, by hook or by crook. Addiction is the ruling paradigm. Feed your addiction and be rewarded. Play along and covet O.P.M., as we are indoctrinated almost from birth, and get your Ph.D. Go shopping and disappear into the warm narcotic glow emanating from your ever-shriveling wallet. Hesitate — or question the plans offered from above — and discover how far it is possible to fall.

    In the end, as long as we’re spending their money, we’re spending O.P.M. Only when we take it upon ourselves to determine “fair market value” in all of our transactions with others do we finally achieve something akin to that favorite intangible of the red pill set: freedom from the addiction.

  4. tochigi says:

    Loveandlight’s analysis looks spot on to me. have to agree with pretty much everything.

    but Miraculix takes the prize for the best quote:
    “Addiction is the ruling paradigm. Feed your addiction and be rewarded.”
    this is soooo true. cf. writings of Terence Mckenna; addictive behaviour is pretty much at the root of all modern pathological disorders.

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