This is so sad, heart breaking, and inspiring to listen to. Wish someone in my government had such a heart and “clue” and could speak thus for me and my people.
After a steady diet of blather through the mouthpieces of corporate PR whores like Bono & Geldof, it is truly refreshing to see the likes Jim Corr playing the role of “anti-Bono”. Is it just me, or did he just paint a rather large target on his back?
If he’s legit, and speaking from the heart and not some deeply nested alter on the Tavistock payroll, then he most definitely has added a large red corporate retail logo to his person.
And if he is the real thing, I’d like to offer to buy the man a round or two if he’s ever in our neck of the woods. That sort of risk takes real ‘nads. Not many things in this world demand respect, but sticking your cheese in the wind as brother Corr just did is on the short list.
Pulling a Twyker here (a quick series of images establishing a brief, incidental character/plot tangent before snapping back to the main narrative, see Run Lola Run), it’s not hard to imagine ol’ Jim turning up in either Irish politics or the obituary section as his story arc unwinds over the weeks/months/years ahead.
The eventual outcome of this potential scenario also turns out to be one of the better indicators of which team he’s ultimately playing for, what with his taking this powerful step up to the plate, to inflict a tragic (but particularly accurate) American baseball metaphor on international events.
He’s publicly called for national sit-down strike in Dublin. Shutting down a capitol city. A real economic blockade. Revolt. Nationalization. That’s the kind of speech one expects from a Chavez or a Bolivar, not a guitar player. News Photo 110426-A-7597S-183: U.S. Special Operations service members with Special Operations Task Force South board two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters following a clearing operation in Panjwa'i district in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, on April 25, 2011. Source: Wikimedia.
This is so sad, heart breaking, and inspiring to listen to. Wish someone in my government had such a heart and “clue” and could speak thus for me and my people.
After a steady diet of blather through the mouthpieces of corporate PR whores like Bono & Geldof, it is truly refreshing to see the likes Jim Corr playing the role of “anti-Bono”. Is it just me, or did he just paint a rather large target on his back?
If he’s legit, and speaking from the heart and not some deeply nested alter on the Tavistock payroll, then he most definitely has added a large red corporate retail logo to his person.
And if he is the real thing, I’d like to offer to buy the man a round or two if he’s ever in our neck of the woods. That sort of risk takes real ‘nads. Not many things in this world demand respect, but sticking your cheese in the wind as brother Corr just did is on the short list.
Pulling a Twyker here (a quick series of images establishing a brief, incidental character/plot tangent before snapping back to the main narrative, see Run Lola Run), it’s not hard to imagine ol’ Jim turning up in either Irish politics or the obituary section as his story arc unwinds over the weeks/months/years ahead.
The eventual outcome of this potential scenario also turns out to be one of the better indicators of which team he’s ultimately playing for, what with his taking this powerful step up to the plate, to inflict a tragic (but particularly accurate) American baseball metaphor on international events.
He’s publicly called for national sit-down strike in Dublin. Shutting down a capitol city. A real economic blockade. Revolt. Nationalization. That’s the kind of speech one expects from a Chavez or a Bolivar, not a guitar player.
File under: Hmmm…