World’s Largest Pilot Union Shuns Full-Body Scanners; Radiation Risks

November 10th, 2010

Via: Register:

The world’s largest independent airline pilot association is warning its members to avoid security screening by full-body scanners out of concern the machines emit dangerous levels of radiation.

The American Pilots Association, which represents about 12,000 pilots, is recommending members instead submit to new pat-down searches, even though critics have described them as “horribly invasive” and likened them to foreplay. The recommendation is based on concerns that, contrary to claims by the US Transportation Security Administration, the types of X-rays emitted by the machines could pose serious risks that still aren’t well understood.

“We are already subjected to larger amounts of radiation by flying long distances at high altitudes,” Captain Sam Mayer, who is the APA’s communications committee chairman, told The Register. “While the TSA is telling us it’s completely safe, that may be true for the occasional user, but we haven’t seen any data yet talking about the long term cumulative effects of this over time.”

The pilots are by no means alone in voicing concern over the safety of the backscatter X-ray scanners, which are also known as advanced imaging technology. In April, radiation experts from the University of California, San Francisco, warned President Obama’s science assistant that the machines pose potentially serious health risks.

2 Responses to “World’s Largest Pilot Union Shuns Full-Body Scanners; Radiation Risks”

  1. Eileen says:

    DOH! I have been dentally exrayed to the hilt. My dentist finally “gets it” that I don’t want xrays. I’ve learned over the years that any rays are VERY bad for your EYES.
    If you don’t want a fight before air travel, take massive doses of Vitamin C before you fly, or for that matter get an xray.
    I’ve taken an Emergencee Packet of 1000 per day for a gazillion years now (for about thirty years daily)and stopped taking it in the last 6 months because it contains fructose (doesn’t say what kind.
    But ever since I stopped taking it daily, I get every germ that passes my way and have had more respitorary illnesses in the last 3 months that I NO LONGER CARE about the dose of fructose. The vitamin C is essential to my health. And duh, staying adequatly hydrated. When it gets cold I’ve learned that I shrink on my water intake. Supposed to take half your body weight in ounces per day. And per my chiropractor, at least 2,000 of Vitamin C per day.
    I’ve also recently found Vitamin C at without the additives.
    I hope all who read this are well, and are in an inner state of PEACE, or is it acceptance of what’s to come. No matter how much we think we are prepared we never are. Oh well. We live through whatever.
    In my dream last night, I got a phone call from my sister Cindy. She passed away in December 1983. After we established that it was really Cindy talking to me, she said, “everything is going to be alright.” So, someone who loves me contacted me to tell me everything will be allright. Not sure what to make of this dream call.
    So, if you are shaking in you shoes because of Half Past Human and George Ure, and you have food, water, and shelter, I think whatever that freaking tipping point that is coming, take comfort. Be not afraid. Yah, when I get a message from the other side, I am in awe.
    Maybe See you on the flip side (as the airline industry linguo goes).
    Won’t stop me from making a quasi bomb shelter.
    You just never know.

  2. Eileen says:

    My Sister Cindy were riding the bike down the hill together on the day of the Cuban Missile Crisis. We saw planes flying overhead. We were terrified. That day we built our “bomb shelter”: which consisted of storing water.

    Anyways, I have a connection with my sister and a nuclear attack.
    But if you are worried and want to prepare for nuclear attack. This site is pretty good. Print on paper.
    Its basically a go to guide
    Good luck kiddies (from Avatar) which I am now going to watch for the uh, gazillionth time. I think this movie is a template for what is happening in our universe. But that’s just me.

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