September Earnings

October 5th, 2010

Earnings in September came to a spectacular $1919.64. The U.S. Amazon commissions alone totaled $794.79, or a whisker under 80% of the monthly earnings goal of $1000. This was the best Amazon result ever. There were several unusually large purchases on Amazon in September; high end audio gear, expensive digital cameras, etc. After months of very slow BlueHost activity, several readers signed up for hosting in September. With direct contributions and other affiliate commissions added in, earnings were nearly twice the goal.

September earnings corresponded to Becky needing some expensive dental work (damaged mercury fillings needed to be replaced with ceramic ones). We’re extremely lucky to have a local dentist who specializes in removing mercury fillings. He left a standing room only type practice in Britain for a slower and quieter life down here in rural New Zealand. While I’m sure his services are reasonably priced, compared to places like Auckland and Wellington, it still helps to steady oneself before hearing the cost of the visit!

Thank you to everyone who supported Cryptogon in September.

3 Responses to “September Earnings”

  1. SW says:

    Funny you should mention mercury fillings. I just had 7 of them removed and replaced with the white fillings so I know what you mean about needing to be sitting down when you hear the price!!!

  2. imark says:

    I spent over $4,000 in 2005 to replace all the mercury in my mouth (9 fillings). Never regretted it, some of the best money I ever spent. Formerly debilitating migraines are extremely rare now and seasonal allergies are a distant memory! Look for a dentist who uses Dr. Huggins’ protocols for removal. They are often listed under biological dentistry.

  3. pookie says:

    SW and imark — you are chelating the mercury out of your central nervous system now that your mercury amalgams have been removed, right? According to Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, if you don’t chelate, the mercury will never be removed from your brain. See this for the proper protocol:

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