Belgian Report on Catholic Church Atrocities

September 11th, 2010

Via: AP:

Hundreds of sex abuse victims have come forward in Belgium with harrowing accounts of molestation by Catholic clergy that reportedly led to at least 13 suicides and affected children as young as two, an independent Belgian commission said Friday.

Professor Peter Adriaenssens, chairman of the commission, said the abuse in Belgium may have been even more rampant than the 200-page report suggests, because his panel’s work was interrupted and all its files seized in a June 24 raid by Belgian judicial authorities who are conducting their own probe.

Adriaenssens, a child psychiatrist who has worked with trauma victims for 23 years, said nothing had prepared him for the stories of abuse that blighted the lives of victims. He called the report’s findings “a body blow” to the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium.

Belgian church authorities said they would react on Monday to the report. The Vatican had no immediate comment.

The report’s findings are the latest embarrassment for Belgium’s Catholic Church, which is still reeling after the April resignation of Bruges Bishop Roger Vangheluwe, who admitted to having sexually abused a nephew for years when he was a priest and bishop.

Friday’s report lists 507 witnesses who came forward with stories of molestation at the hands of clergy over the past decades. It says those abused included children who were two, four, five and six years old.

2 Responses to “Belgian Report on Catholic Church Atrocities”

  1. Eileen says:

    Of all of the atrocities I’ve read on Cryptogon tonigh, well, reading the link you posted rang my bell. It’s a joke (not for the people who suffered abuse) by my GAWD). I think the Catholic priests from the sounds of it, have been raping and sodomizing since the day they organized their cult. And that’s what it is. Another “back door,” (get it) society that pushes all of this mightier than thou crap whilst flucking and sucking every poor child that walks in the church. Argh.
    The Catholic church is going to crash under the weight of its semen oversoak. I don’t know who Jesus was, the ghouls have perverted who or if he was anybody into a corporate message.
    Yea verily, don’t know who, if, or when these pedophiles will be punished. If ever (at least what we know of). Definitely some bad karma these numbnuts have accumulated for themselves as individuals. And as a group, they are stretching it way to far. Yes I thing they are toast.
    I know this is perverse, but I see a “hot dog” roast involving the Vatican. So weird. All these guys who have had their dix on fire for young kids just spontaneously bursting into flames in their genital area.
    Sorry, that’s what just came out of my fingers into my keyboard, and whoa. I am out of here.

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