Obama Wins Right to Invoke “State Secrets” to Protect Bush Crimes

September 9th, 2010

Via: Salon:

In a 6-5 ruling issued this afternoon, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals handed the Obama administration a major victory in its efforts to shield Bush crimes from judicial review, when the court upheld the Obama DOJ’s argument that Bush’s rendition program, used to send victims to be tortured, are “state secrets” and its legality thus cannot be adjudicated by courts.

One Response to “Obama Wins Right to Invoke “State Secrets” to Protect Bush Crimes”

  1. Eileen says:

    Yeah sure, a “win” for Obama. I’m thinking the only “win” for Obama in this is that the world isn’t set on fire overnight because the truth about Bush war crimes and all other related travesties are kept on a low burner. Cripe.
    Why don’t we just seal up the Bush administration and all of its crimes in another bubble? Seal it off under some strange seal that no one can read about it until we are all dead (we the living) like they did with Lincoln and Kennedy?
    There’s something really sick about people not be able to learn and know about all of these crimes. Having to file and Freedom of Information Act Request instead to find out. And even then, the cost.
    Obama protecting Bush? Hardly. What a joke to interpret this in that way.
    Anyone who reads here on Cryptogon has at least an inkling of the Bush-Cheney war crimes and 9/11 shenanigans. God help us if the sheeple finally figure it out.
    I’m not making fun of the sheeple, I’ve come to learn through my family relations, there is only so much “truth” they can handle.
    Truth is a word shaded in many colors. My family (the only people I can speak for, and we are small) I’ve found, can’t handle it in strong doses.But then its what I consider the truth.
    So, I am kind of glad that Obama has this priveledge. I think if the secrets of Bush and Cheney were unveiled it would set this world on fire (considering all of the people needing to vent frustration at their life circumstance). I’m not ready for gun toting civilians shooting their guns off in anger. Raiding my home, or whatever.
    Maintain civility (hah) while the dragon seethes.

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