Pat Tillman’s Father To Army Investigator: ‘Fuck You… And Yours’

August 13th, 2010

Via: Huffington Post:

“You are a General,” Tillman’s father writes Jones after being presented with a briefing book of his findings. “There is no way a man like you, with your intelligence, education, military, experience, responsibilities (primarily for difficult situations), and rank… believes the conclusions reached in the March 31, 2005 Briefing Book. But your signature is on it. I assume, therefore, that you are part of this shameless bullshit. I embarrassed myself by treating you with respect [on] March 31, 2005. I thought your rank deserved it and anticipated something different from the new and improved investigation. I won’t act so hypocritically if we meet again.”

“In sum: Fuck you… and yours.”

2 Responses to “Pat Tillman’s Father To Army Investigator: ‘Fuck You… And Yours’”

  1. Larry Glick says:

    Mr. Tillman,

    You are dignified by virtue of your honesty.

  2. Druff says:

    Wow. Click thru and count how many times variations of the phrase “conspiracy theory” are used. Increasingly amusing as the “theories” are shown to be more and more obviously true. Lulz. Way to keep your mainstream cred, huffpo. Outrageous conspiracy theory: military lies!! Addendum: crazy theory true in all respects.

    No one reads past the first few graphs anyway, it’s all good.

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